I've decided to jump from VB6 to VC++.NET. I've done some C before, mainly embedded, but thought the learning curve for getting VB.NET to work wasn't that much different from VC.NET. (Just letting you know the level I'm working at)
Anyway I thought a good first exercise would be to write a desktop application to display weather data for cities (I've never found one I like). Most of them available are free, so I'm guessing the data must be free. Does anyone know where this data comes from? Is it a case of using C to interface directly with a webpage to retieve data? If so does anyone have any pointers of term/phrases to read up on?
Anyway I thought a good first exercise would be to write a desktop application to display weather data for cities (I've never found one I like). Most of them available are free, so I'm guessing the data must be free. Does anyone know where this data comes from? Is it a case of using C to interface directly with a webpage to retieve data? If so does anyone have any pointers of term/phrases to read up on?