We are currently migrating from InfoServer 7 to Crystal Enterprise 8.5 and I was hoping to get some feedback from others on the percentage of successfully imported objects/reports. In our production environment we currently are housing in excess of 800 reports(not instances). With my first import test, I was able to import successfully about 125 or ~16%. Is this indicative of others experiences with the Import tool? The most common error I receive in the detail event log is the all too descriptive: "Unspecified Error". I thought this might have to do with security permissions we have set up. "Everyone" group denied all rights, each group has its a default set of rights, and administrators full, but I have ruled this out as the case by further testing. Any feeback from others on the percentage of reports you were able to succesfully migrate and/or ways to increase the percentage of reports imported successfully would be greatly appreciated.