Hi all - I have the following great code which populates a text box on my form with the contents of a folder on my network:
I got this working a few months back with no small amount of help from y'all on this forum.
I'm wondering now if there is a way to exclude certain files witnin a folder from appearing in my text box - specifically, files that began with a specific character string - "QQ" for example? We're trying to find a way for draft documents to be stored on the network without appearing in this database, and without having to store them elsewhere - why have two folders for storing related documents, is the theory. oO I was thinking, why not save any draft docs with a certain character string at the beginning, and then delete that character string on the finalized document. Even my remedial end-user could manage that, I believe.
As always, thank you in advance for your time.
'last updated 1/4/2006
Public Sub Form_Current()
Dim ScrObj
Dim SearchFld
Dim mFileName
Dim strRowSource As String
Dim MyBid As String
Dim BidName As String
Dim nFolderName
myyear = Right(Me.Year, 2) 'get the right two digits of the year
'------get the bid number-----------
'add a zero if bidnumber is a single digit
If Me.BidNum < 10 Then
MyBid = "0" & Me.BidNum
MyBid = Me.BidNum
End If
BidName = myyear & "-" & MyBid 'create folder name from year and bidname
'---create base folder name to open folder for year
BaseFolderName = "J:\Bulletin Board\Departments\As\Finance\Purchasing Bid & RFP" & "\" & myyear & " Bids"
Set ScrObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set SearchFld = ScrObj.GetFolder(BaseFolderName)
'---look at each folder and create folder path based on bid name xx-yy
For Each nFolderName In SearchFld.SubFolders
If Mid(nFolderName, Len(SearchFld) + 2, 5) = Left(BidName, 5) Then
FolderName = strRowSource & nFolderName.Name
Exit For
Else: FolderName = ""
End If
'---error trapping, if folder is named incorrectly, is empty, or doesn't exist
If FolderName = "" Then
'MsgBox "There is no folder for this RFP", vbOKOnly
Me.fldContents.RowSource = "No Folder"
Exit Sub
End If
Set SearchFld = ScrObj.GetFolder(BaseFolderName & "\" & FolderName)
For Each mFileName In SearchFld.Files
strRowSource = strRowSource & mFileName.Name & ";"
Me.fldContents.RowSource = strRowSource
Debug.Print BaseFolderName & "\" & FolderName
End Sub
I got this working a few months back with no small amount of help from y'all on this forum.
I'm wondering now if there is a way to exclude certain files witnin a folder from appearing in my text box - specifically, files that began with a specific character string - "QQ" for example? We're trying to find a way for draft documents to be stored on the network without appearing in this database, and without having to store them elsewhere - why have two folders for storing related documents, is the theory. oO I was thinking, why not save any draft docs with a certain character string at the beginning, and then delete that character string on the finalized document. Even my remedial end-user could manage that, I believe.
As always, thank you in advance for your time.