Here is the scenario . 5 mb fiber Circuit. 10 bovpns.
Traffic on my route is always 90 % of the time on Red . however the load is low. When I do a speed test without the firewall connected I can Max my Speed rating and get 5mb. however when I add the firewall to the equation and run the speed test. I can only achive 2MB up and down rate. Should I have another router as my route in my routes section of the firebox says is the firewall..
Is this affecting traffic?
Traffic on my route is always 90 % of the time on Red . however the load is low. When I do a speed test without the firewall connected I can Max my Speed rating and get 5mb. however when I add the firewall to the equation and run the speed test. I can only achive 2MB up and down rate. Should I have another router as my route in my routes section of the firebox says is the firewall..
Is this affecting traffic?