Hi, I just started using/exploring Websphere 4.0 with DB2. I actually managed to bring up and test with examples provided together with Websphere 4.0. I also downloaded a IBM Redbook i.e. WebSphere Application Server Enterprise Edition 4.0 - A Programmer's Guide. In the redbook, it has an example of Order Entry application. I've managed to do everything until the last piece i.e. to execute the application. It give me HTTP 404 - File not found at the IE browser and at Websphere Console I get the following message.
SRVE0079E: Servlet host not found
PLGN0021E: Servlet Request Processor Exception: Virtual Host/WebGroup Not Found : The host localhost has not been defined
I have tried to look high & low to resolve this error, but yet to find the answer. I have set the host aliases (i.e. *.port number) in default server but still does not work.
Does anyone know about this error or can help me on this. If the is reference for this type of error will also help.
Many thanks in advance.
SRVE0079E: Servlet host not found
PLGN0021E: Servlet Request Processor Exception: Virtual Host/WebGroup Not Found : The host localhost has not been defined
I have tried to look high & low to resolve this error, but yet to find the answer. I have set the host aliases (i.e. *.port number) in default server but still does not work.
Does anyone know about this error or can help me on this. If the is reference for this type of error will also help.
Many thanks in advance.