I need to do a JNDI lookup *without* using "resource-ref" :
Websphere, of course, issues the following well-known message :
I know the message can be avoided if you use "resource-ref", but unfortunately I have a good reason for avoiding "resource-ref" (it's a long story, involving a JNDI structure that's dynamic and not known in advance... Anyway, please take my word for it - I have a reason to avoid "resource-ref"....)
Could anyone please offer another solution, that would still prevent WAS from issuing this message ? It is logged over and over again, completely cluttering my logs...
Object dataSrouce= new InitialContext().lookup("jndi/myDataSource");
// I do *not* want to register a "resource-ref" and
// use lookup("java:comp:/env/myDataSource")
Websphere, of course, issues the following well-known message :
[12/19/05 13:31:14:775 GMT+02:00] 1a258697 ConnectionFac I J2CA0122I: Resource reference myDataSource could not be located, so default values of the following are used: [Resource-ref settings]
res-auth: 1 (APPLICATION)
res-isolation-level: 0 (TRANSACTION_NONE)
res-sharing-scope: false (UNSHAREABLE)
res-resolution-control: 999 (undefined)
[Other attributes]
I know the message can be avoided if you use "resource-ref", but unfortunately I have a good reason for avoiding "resource-ref" (it's a long story, involving a JNDI structure that's dynamic and not known in advance... Anyway, please take my word for it - I have a reason to avoid "resource-ref"....)
Could anyone please offer another solution, that would still prevent WAS from issuing this message ? It is logged over and over again, completely cluttering my logs...