I'm a rookie with this language, so please don't flame me!
I want to do a script to open a new terminal windows, and setup all communications parameters. I checked in the help topics of ProComm but i found just some rare example...
I already found those commands:
set terminal type VT100
set port baudrate 9600
set port parity NONE
set port databits 8
set port stopbits 1
But i'm still looking for those commands:
- A command to open a new ProComm terminal window (the blue screen)
- A command to setup my Xfer protocol at KERMIT.
- A command to setup my connection to DIRECT CONNECT-Com2
Thanks for all your help.
I'm a rookie with this language, so please don't flame me!
I want to do a script to open a new terminal windows, and setup all communications parameters. I checked in the help topics of ProComm but i found just some rare example...
I already found those commands:
set terminal type VT100
set port baudrate 9600
set port parity NONE
set port databits 8
set port stopbits 1
But i'm still looking for those commands:
- A command to open a new ProComm terminal window (the blue screen)
- A command to setup my Xfer protocol at KERMIT.
- A command to setup my connection to DIRECT CONNECT-Com2
Thanks for all your help.