I'm making a Flash presentation and am just wondering how can I make an action to pause after a certain frames are finished and start again when I press a button or setup a time so that it starts again automatically when the time is over.
Putting a stop action on the timeline where you want it to pause, should do the trick! Having a "continue" button, already there or appearing just before the pause, with an action to on press "go to and play (next frame #)", should resume the presentation.
tks for the ideas. But all I don't want is a button on the screen. It's because I'm going to have presentation which can only contains data. I just want to create a presentation
with a about 30 seconds pause on each screen or move to next screen by pressing a button on the keyboard (without showing a button or a mouse click.) Simply speaking, just like Powerpoint, you press a button then it goes to next screen.
I finally made how to jump to next screen by pressing a button in keyboard without making a button in screen. However, I still can't figure out how to setup a timer to make it jumps to next screen automatically. I think it must be something simply but I can't figure it out. Could someone pls help?
You could use the GetTimer function:
If (x=0)
Got to and Stop ("start"
Set Variable: "x" = x+1
Else If (GetTimer * 1000 = (x*30))
Go to and Stop (x)
Set Variable: "x" = x+1
End If
This sets up a 30 second delay between frame movements. The first frame of the movie being on a frame labelled "start". Change the 30 to change the time difference between jumps. Change (x)and "Stop" to suit your movie.
Almost forgot......
If you want to change the length of the delay between frames, double click the movie-clip "timer-clip" in the library and set the variable "pausetime" to the desired time (in milliseconds).
For each new frame you add to the presentation, insert the actions:
SetVariable "stoppedtime" = GetTimer
You'll also need to drag a copy of the movie-clip "timer-clip" onto each frame. It doesn't matter where on the stage you put it because it contains no symbols (i.e. invisible).
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