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WAN? VPN? Fiber? How to connect across town?

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Technical User
Oct 21, 2002
I am a NT 4.0 trained MCSE, and I run a small 2k domain, 1 DC, and about 10 clients.

Our work is mission critical, as I work in the E-911 Emergency Communications field, Im the network administrator, as well as a dispatcher.

I am about to be tasked with something I have no knowledge of...

Connectivity across town with our Justice Center (jail)...they currently have what I assume is a simple workgroup, but I havent seen it yet, so I have no idea what Im about to get into...

Currently, they have an ISDN line for internet connectivity, and as far as I understand it, the Jail Management software package runs on the same network (crazy, I know, but I offered to administrate this a year and a half ago, and was basically told that I didnt know what I was talking about, by people who barely know how to turn a PC on....)

So, if I am given this task, I have to come up with some solutions.....

First thing I intend to do, is move to a w2k professional domain, however, I already have 1 w2k server in my building across town, and Im thinking that I should just use VPN, or WAN technology to just connect them to us...the two buildings are about 2-3 miles apart, driving distance...

If thats possible, then, provided they purchase a REAL Jail Management suite, I should have their server in my building, so that I can administer everything centrally...I intend to seperate the two networks so that there is no physical connection from one to the other, two completely, and physically seperate networks. (basically, one will have internet connectivity, and one will not)

Now then...

My questions I guess would be...

Whats involved in VPN/WAN use?

How is it set up?

I would move them to DSL, but if I keep all their servers here, then ill need to know about fiberoptics and such too...or would VPN through the internet be my best choice?

Are there any online guides or anything to get me started?

Ive never dealt with this and need a direction to go to start some research...
For VPN/WAN use, you'll need both networks connected to the internet and something to handle the VPN on both sides. This could be a Win2k machine or a VPN box. I'd recommend having the same thing on both sides to ensure compatibility and ease of setting up. We're doing this here at work between two locations using VPN devices and it works, just slowly. We have cable at one location and DSL at the other but transferring files between the two via the VPN takes forever.

You could also lease a T1 line to directly connect both locations. This would provide fast access but could potentially be pricey. I think you'd contact your local phone company to check out this option.

Another option: There are some wireless access points can have an outdoor directional antenna attached that can transmit up to about 2 miles. There may be some security implications with this and I don't know how weather and obstructions between the two locations would affect the network, but it is an option, and a relatively inexpensive one.
I agree. Best way is to get t1 connection or fractional t1. Vpn's over cable/dsl can be slow. This is of course if you can afford a t1. Loop charges are typically 400 to 500 a month.
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