This is Abdul again. Thanks for those of you who have already helped me. I have another question. Is it possible to wait for the next string that shows up and store it into a variable for parsing purposes?
For example: Let's say the terminal will respond with the device's name. So it will always say "I am" followed by its' name. Can I wait for "I am" and then store the next word into a variable? That way, if its' name is "Abdul", I can do one thing and if its' name is "Bob", I can do another
This is Abdul again. Thanks for those of you who have already helped me. I have another question. Is it possible to wait for the next string that shows up and store it into a variable for parsing purposes?
For example: Let's say the terminal will respond with the device's name. So it will always say "I am" followed by its' name. Can I wait for "I am" and then store the next word into a variable? That way, if its' name is "Abdul", I can do one thing and if its' name is "Bob", I can do another