Thanks in advance for your assistance.
I am performing several actions in an event procedure. One is opening a "HOLD" form, informing the user that activity is on hold until the actions are completed.
My problem is, since the actions perform one right after another, my form does not have time to be viewed before the screen is locked by the next step (a lengthy query).
Question: Is there a way to make MSAccess 97 wait a few seconds before performing the next step?
I am performing several actions in an event procedure. One is opening a "HOLD" form, informing the user that activity is on hold until the actions are completed.
My problem is, since the actions perform one right after another, my form does not have time to be viewed before the screen is locked by the next step (a lengthy query).
Question: Is there a way to make MSAccess 97 wait a few seconds before performing the next step?