We are running a XPa MetaFrame farm on W2K (SP2)servers in an NT 4.0 domain. Most of our users have W98 systems. One client in particular is having a very difficult time in getting a permanent TS CAL. The PC was issued a temporary license; it has now expired. The server that was issuing licenses at the time this PC originally got its temp license is no longer the licensing server. The licensing server for this subnet has at least 130 CALs available. It was issuing CALs yesterday just fine. We have deleted the license key from the client system registry, renamed the client system, and updated the Citrix client software. The TS Licensing service was also stopped and restarted. None of the attempts to get a permanent TS CAL have been successful. The licensing server event log shows event 1004 - terminal server cannot issue a client license. Has anyone found a successful way to fix this problem? Why would the licensing server claim that it does not have any client licenses to issue? Any input is appreciated. Thanks.