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W2K Won't shut down.

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Dec 13, 2001
I have been keeping my W2K up-to-date with all downloads from MS. After one of them I discovered that when I use "Shut down" I get a "Restart". So that I have been waiting for it to restart in the BIOS - and switching it off manually. Which I am not mad about doing!

What could be the problem.
You can try changing it on the power settings but most of the time you must change that setting on the BIOS
Are you eperiencing a blue screen before the restart? I am eperiencing the same falt with a driver that won't shut down. Go into the controll pannel to system to advanced to startup and recovery. Uncheck the automaticaly reboot setting. Does the system now stop on a blue screen when shutting down?
Same experience here. What happened is the following:

WIN2K crashed while shutting down, and then restarted automatically.

The best way to fix this is to avoid the crash and have WINDOWS shut down properly.

The cause for all that hassle could be:

- Driver conflicts (Look for exclamation marks in the device manager): on my machine it was a faulty USB driver.

- An appliction that Windows was not able to close before shutting down. On my machine it is a tool running in the background. I have to close it manually, and after that Windows is able to shut down clean.

Let us know if that helped, thanx.


Yes. And now I get the following ..

Beginning of dump of physical memory.
Physical memory dump complete.
Contact your system administrator or technical support group.

Thanks for that. I am a Delphi programmer and ocassionally I have had the system hang (whilst not even using Delphi) and I have had to resort to the Task Manager to shut down the program I am using - or even totally.

Then I have notice that Delphi comes up in the Task Manager as running(even though I have not been using it at the time) - with signals to stop the Delphi compiler which originate from Delphi itself. Having gone and done that I can come out of the hang (or shut down) with the Task Manager.
Never understood this.

Any ideas?


Driver conflicts (Look for exclamation marks in the device manager): on my machine it was a faulty USB driver.

Forgot to mention I looked at this. Found nothing.
I'm not sure I understand the question here but I know that MS update Q329170 has totally hosed W2K shutdowns, slowing it either to a totaly 1-3 minute crawl or else making the system incapable of shutting down altogether. Removing or avoiding that update fixes the shutdown problem 100%. Check out this thread for more details.

Now that we know its a Driver_state_failure we can try and think in terms of logical elimination. After which update or software installation did the problem start? If you know this you can try uninstalling the update or program to see if the problem goes away. Another thing to look at is to see if you have any hardware that needs updating. Changes in the OS sometimes means you need changes in hardware drivers.
Let me know if it helps.
>After which update or software installation did the >problem start?

Unfortunately I can't say. But from what I see above I'd put my money on Q32917 being the culprit. So I am going to un-install that.

After all I can always re-install it if it is NOT causing the problem.
Now that have un-installed Q329170 W2K is a lot faster - not only in powering up and powering down - but software such MS-OLE, IEXplorer, MS-Word load almost instantly.

But the propensity for my Desktop icons to be re-arranged remains.

But having ticked Startup and Recovery/Automatic Reboot again I am back with the re-booting problem.
Hey, delphiman. I'm not sure what option you're referring to with ticking "Startup and Recovery/Automatic Reboot", but I know I got sick and tired of having my desktop icons rearranged with safe mode booting, and changing resolutions, etc. There are two programs that I've used that record the desktop icon display and enable you to restore it in the event it goes south: one freeware and one shareware. The freeware program is called Verve, and allows some nice desktop configurations aside from the icons.
The other program is called power strip, and it's a nice shareware with a virtually unlimited trial period, which has some very nice graphics utilities, and is, to the best of my knowledge, the only program I've ever TRIED to pay for that has BIG WARNINGS that exhort you to MAKE SURE YOU REALLY LIKE AND TRY THE PROGRAM BEFORE BUYING, because they don't offer refunds. TFF. They don't offer refunds. If I had a refund for every software program I bought that ended up sucking, I could buy a new computer. One of these days, I'm going to go back and buy Power Strip; I've actually only had it for about a month now; and it definitely is worth the $29 IMHO; it's almost just a side benefit to what it's designed for that it helps with saving the desktop icon config. But it has come in handy already on a number of occasions. (The main purpose of Power Strip is to make the monitor have a more realistic color balance to what will actually be printed.) The URL for Powerstrip is:

Hope it helps.

Uh, I wish we could edit posts here. Obviously the second URL was the repeat of the first one. Here's the correct one for Power Strip:
(Sorry about that; I was trying to watch the football game and type at the same time.)

I wouldn't reenable the automatic reboot. I don't realy know why MS has the setting anyway. All it does is reboot when you have an error screen. I know I would rather know what the error was before the evedently extreamly difficult task of pushing my on/off switch twice.(ha ha)
Have you checked wether your hardware has the latest drivers and you have the latest versions or updates to your programs other than the OS? I know that MS office can sometimes be a real pain.
untill next time.
Did you try resetting the "Factory Default Settings" in BIOS?

I have no idea if this will help but it's one step that I usually try at least to eliminate any unknowns.

much luck
Hi brentcox!
>MS office can sometimes be a real pain.

You might have pout your finger on it. Because I recently re-installed MS-Office.

I'll get back to you.

I have had the same problem. It turns out that the seagate backup exec ver 4 that I was sent with my win2k machine is not compatible with win2k. see this link: This problem is a bear to troubleshoot. I had to do a second install of win2k and keep adding programs till I got the problem back!

Good Luck!
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