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W2k server not releasing file locks on Excel XP

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May 11, 2001
I have inherited a problem. A W2k server running AD etc, 10 workstations running XP O/S and also Office XP. The problem lies with Excel file locks not being released from the server. Users can open the Excel spreadsheets and close them BUT the server does not recognise/accept the file closure and therefore retains the file as being open.

I have tried numerous tests of opening and closing, open on one PC close on another PC etc but there is no pattern, the only constant is the fact that the server does not release the file locks, the server still sees the files as in use and this will cause the PCs to lock when they try accessing a closed Excel doc, the server still seeing the doc as open.

The Excel documents were initially created on Office 97, I think, as I said I inherited this problem, I have read elsewhere to check that the PCs are running SP2 for Office XP which I think they are.

If anyone has any suggestions or pointers I would be greatful, from viewing discussions boards this does seem a fairly common problem.

I've just started seeing this on our network, and the users have 98se. We've had to open the xls as read only, and save it as a different file name. Once, had to bring back from backup. Would love to know the cause. This has only started happening within the last month, and hasn't happened enough for me to be concerned, but now that I know someone else has the problem, would love a solution. Thanks. (I'll start doing research on it also.) Glen A. Johnson
Microsoft Certified Professional

"How many things, too, are looked upon as quite impossible until they have been actually effected?."
Pliny the Elder, Caius Plinius Secundus(c.23-79 A.D.); Roman writer.
Doing some research into this one as well. We support two sites where this is occurring. During my research I've found a few things and would be curious if anyone else who is having these issues can confirm what may be the same/similar at their sites:

Desktops - Windows XP SP1 + hotfixes with Office XP Pro SP2 + hotfixes

Server - Windows 2000 Server SP3 + hotfixes

Desktops and server are all running Norton/Symantec Antivirus 7.6/8.0 realtime file protection.

Quite desperate to find a solution on this one as it is causing *major* disruption at one site in particular. Research hasn't turned up much so far, so I'm turning over every stone I can.

I'd appreciate any info anyone might have turned up.

I am having exactly the same problem, seems to have got worse since SP1 though. I maybe imagining that though. I've contacted MS about this, and i'll post there response.

For me though it seems just related to XP pro, 2000 systems appear unaffected.
Since I posted this the entire system collapsed, which is nice!! However as I have rebuilt I have a greater insight to whats going on, but its not top of the list of priorities at the moment as I am sure you can all imagine.

In response to WinterFrost:
Desktops are running WinXP SP1 with most hotfixes and Office XP, not sure what hotfixes - I haven;t really been looking at the desktops.

Server is running Win2000 upto SP2, running Mcafee AV

Desktops are running Mcafee AV with realtime

When I get round to sorting this problem I will update with any information I find.

Just a little more information for everyone:

I contacted a user from another message board that I saw had the same problem and he provided me the following information:
- He attempted to downgrade the server to SP2 and this did not resolve the problem.
- He rebuilt the laptop which was having this problem and this resolved the issue.
- He believes it is a WinXP Pro problem.
- He acknowledges that it is not a solution, but as the rebuild resolved his problem, he did not pursue it further.

This would support what I am seeing at the only other site we support with a significant Office XP deployment. They have no issues, but all desktops are running Win2k Pro. This seems to conflict with Glen's post above, who is having the issue on Win98SE, but most users I have seen who have reported this problem have been seeing it on WinXP.
Could be different issue causing same sympton. Let's keep digging. Glen A. Johnson
Johnson Computer Consulting

"What really happens is trivial in comparison to what could occur."
Robert von Musil (1880-1942); Austrian author.
Hello we had the same problem with XP stations and we found that the problem came from the services pack of Windows XP and that to solve the problem you must reinstall Windows XP without the services pack

We had a similiar problem awhile back. McAfee Netshield was the problem. Perhaps this in the common thread..?

I'll give the Netshield theory a try tonight. Without seeming rude how did you conclude that McAfee Netshield was the cause of the problem?

Don't use McAfee here.
Has to be a common thread somewhere. Glen A. Johnson
Johnson Computer Consulting

"What really happens is trivial in comparison to what could occur."
Robert von Musil (1880-1942); Austrian author.
I don't use netshield either, try changing the polling setting on the NIC. I have tried this, i have found improvements.
try changing the polling setting on the NIC
Could you explain? Thanks Glen A. Johnson
Johnson Computer Consulting

"What really happens is trivial in comparison to what could occur."
Robert von Musil (1880-1942); Austrian author.
I Have the same problem, only with workstation update to Xp Pro Sp1. Other W2k, W98, Xp sp0 are correct !
Well, in the middle of a huge post I was placing, I thought I'd hit Microsoft's site one last time to try a hunch on something I had seen there previously... and I think I may have found a possible solution:

Network File Errors Occur After You Install Windows XP SP1

It actually links to a WinXP hotfix... but the link is broken:
File or Network Path No Longer Exists Error Message When You Copy Files in Windows XP SP1

This describes many of the symptoms many of us are seeing. The only problem I have is that I'm sure I've seen this problem on both SP0 and SP1 systems. But our worst-affected site is definitely running SP1 on all PCs. The issue also mentions that the error occurs in communication with a Domain Controller. At both of the sites we have seen this, there is only a single server, so it functions as both file server and DC.

I am going to try their recommended workaround to see if it makes any difference.
I have to agree, but it's not only xp. I have several users with w98 and they have the same problem. They get the message that the spreadsheet was already open by them, and they could only open it in read-only. Temporary fix, copy the spreadsheet to there hard drive, then when they are done working on it, save it and copy it over to the network. It's definitely a rites issue, but not only xp. Thanks. Glen A. Johnson
Johnson Computer Consulting

"What really happens is trivial in comparison to what could occur."
Robert von Musil (1880-1942); Austrian author.
Glen, maybe your issue is related to the same problem? Are there any commonalities -- Win2k DC doubling as a file server?
Yes, it's always the same W2K server acting as a file and print server. It's only in Excel as far as I know. We've had a few other issues which is making me think I have a wiring issue on the network. Glen A. Johnson
Johnson Computer Consulting

"What really happens is trivial in comparison to what could occur."
Robert von Musil (1880-1942); Austrian author.
See if the following applies to you, if so there is a patch :-
However i spoke to MS, they are currently testing this patch, but won't tell me a date for release though.

If you copy a large file over the network in Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 1
(SP1) and the source file is located on a Microsoft Windows 2000-based share,
you may receive either of the following error messages:

File or network path no longer exists.


No network provider accepted the given network path.

You may also receive other error messages, depending on the program that you are

The error message may occur if the source file is located on a Windows 2000-based
share. This is a network-related Server Message Block (SMB) packet issue that
may occur if SMB signing is enabled on the source Windows 2000-based computer.

When this problem occurs, the copy process may work about 50 percent of the time,
but is more likely not to work under high network stress, if another network
connection is opened while the file is being copied, or you are using a slow
network link.

The following symptoms may also occur:

- Programs that open and close files on a Windows 2000-based server or that
create temporary files on a Windows 2000-based server may experience various
error conditions.

- Network programs that rely on heavy network file input/output (I/O) may stop
responding (hang) for a long time, or delays may occur in opening or closing
files because "Oplock Break" requests are ignored.

- Problems may occur with applying group policies and using logon scripts.
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