W1sh3,<br> I'm new to this forum. I've search far and wide and thought that I was the only that tried activex documents. Enough, here's the question. I'm using both PWS and IIS (not at the same time), now when I run the vbd file, it will run okay on my box (server). When I try to run it on a client's pc (intranet) I'm seeing the same thing that you mention you saw (downloading and all), but nothing shows up in the container(browser). Also, in the vbd project, I'm using other dll (dependencies). From my observation, it doesn't look like it downloaded any of the other support files when I ping that url. There's too much problem I that I'm having to mention. Below is my e-mail, if you have the time, send me a reply and I'll go more into detail.<br><br>Thanks in advance,<br><br>souvã