I've googled and searched both vsftp and wu-ftp home pages and can't find the answer.
I'm useing vsftp and have xferlog_std_format set to yes. When I look at the log files I can tell what the obvious ones are, i.e. the ip address or who logged in, but the rest are a mystery.
Where can I find an explanation of all of the fields?
Thank you.
I Learn More When Something Goes Wrong.
I've googled and searched both vsftp and wu-ftp home pages and can't find the answer.
I'm useing vsftp and have xferlog_std_format set to yes. When I look at the log files I can tell what the obvious ones are, i.e. the ip address or who logged in, but the rest are a mystery.
Where can I find an explanation of all of the fields?
Thank you.
I Learn More When Something Goes Wrong.