I'm using PP8603, sometimes my VRRP IP( used as the gateway for the PC) for the peryicular VLAN does not working. Then I have to change the G/W to the VLAN interface IP. Please tell me wthats the problem is.
We'll need a few more details:
- what version of code is running on the 8600?
- do you have a pair of 8600s, if so how are they connected?
- is there anything in the log files around the time of the issue? from the command line type: show log file tail
- did the problem start recently or has it always had trouble?
Let me thank u first for yr reply. Please find the answers below
1) Passport 8603.Main Image 3.7.7,and the boot Image 3.7.7
2) Yes we have two pp8603s connected with IST and running SMLT
3) I will get you this command output.
4) Yes the problem started recently.
I did some more tests and I found out that If I desabled the VRRP on the backup Switch. then I can reach outside with my PC with the Gateway of the VRRPIP. But if I eneble the VRRP on the Backup switch then I have to change the GW address to the VLAN's masterswitch IP.
Can u plese advice me on this situation.
Does the output of the command show ip vrrp info give us any useful hints - its worth looking at when your having problems and when everything looks normal, and then comparing the two.
Yes the VRRP backup master is enabled on the backup switch only. The thing which cannot figure out is at the time the problem occures, every thing seems to be normal on the switches. This situation is affecting to a perticular VLAN(VLAN-3). Other VLANs are ok.
Core sw 1
VLAN IP (for VLAN-3)
VRRP state enabled, Master , priority 200, BAckup Master disabled.
Core sw 2
VLAN IP (for VLAN-3)
VRRP state enabled,Backup,Priority 100,Backup Master enabled.
The users in VLAN-3 will have the default GW of
You are setting the priority of this instance to 200. The PP8600 B switch is at default (100), so the PP8600 A switch will be master for this vlan, You should NOT configure Backup-master enable for this instance. Any instance that will be the master. Nortel recommends that we should set the hold down timer to 60 seconds. And the advertisement interval to 3 or 5 seconds from default of 1 sec.The hold down timer stops the instance becoming active for 60 seconds after initialization reboot. The Advertisement interval reduces CPU load without any compromise on redundancy. Backup master only use for SMLT ports. Both instances route for any traffic received for the vrrp gateway address regardless of master/backup status.
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