NW 4.11.
On 24th Dec (would you believe it), I had to run Vrepair on a volume. vRepair repaired and mounted the volume.
BUT, it created lots of "VR?????.FIL" files in the root of that volume. These occupy about 80 MB and aren't necessary for me. What I can't do is to delete them (even as a super user). Thru' NDIR it sometimes shows them as *.LNG. (Volume characteristics are DOS, LONG)
NDIR, FLAG or DIR show all rights (DI off etc, the works) but ATTRIB and DEL say file not found. Tried FILER also. I am using "Netadmin" (DOS) and only Microsoft logon.
It's a pain to exclude these files manually during sBackup and also it makes the backup (manual exclusion) process error prone.
I looked at the vREPAIR options and it says the current setting (today and on 24th DEC) is to save recovered files).
Tried PURGE also.
Short of rebuilding that file system is there any way to delete these files.?
Any help appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
End of mail.
On 24th Dec (would you believe it), I had to run Vrepair on a volume. vRepair repaired and mounted the volume.
BUT, it created lots of "VR?????.FIL" files in the root of that volume. These occupy about 80 MB and aren't necessary for me. What I can't do is to delete them (even as a super user). Thru' NDIR it sometimes shows them as *.LNG. (Volume characteristics are DOS, LONG)
NDIR, FLAG or DIR show all rights (DI off etc, the works) but ATTRIB and DEL say file not found. Tried FILER also. I am using "Netadmin" (DOS) and only Microsoft logon.
It's a pain to exclude these files manually during sBackup and also it makes the backup (manual exclusion) process error prone.
I looked at the vREPAIR options and it says the current setting (today and on 24th DEC) is to save recovered files).
Tried PURGE also.
Short of rebuilding that file system is there any way to delete these files.?
Any help appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
End of mail.