I am trying to connect a PIX into a VPN Concentrator. Same PIX config (except for IP addresses) is used in another location with no issues.
The Cisco 3500 VPNC is getting this message in the log:
19088 01/23/2006 15:16:59.250 SEV=4 BMGT/29 RPT=29
Attempting to specify an Aggregate Group reservation [ 961150977 bps ] on Group
[ x.x.x.x ] Interface [ 2 ] which is outside the range of a minimum of [ 8
000 bps ] to a maximum of [ 100000000 bps ] (note: the true max is dependant upo
n the interface link rate to which the group is applied).
(The x.x.x.x was inserted in place of the real IP).
I do not have any limits on the connections. Any ideas out there?
The Cisco 3500 VPNC is getting this message in the log:
19088 01/23/2006 15:16:59.250 SEV=4 BMGT/29 RPT=29
Attempting to specify an Aggregate Group reservation [ 961150977 bps ] on Group
[ x.x.x.x ] Interface [ 2 ] which is outside the range of a minimum of [ 8
000 bps ] to a maximum of [ 100000000 bps ] (note: the true max is dependant upo
n the interface link rate to which the group is applied).
(The x.x.x.x was inserted in place of the real IP).
I do not have any limits on the connections. Any ideas out there?