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Feb 12, 2001
I have the VPN working on my W2000 server, I tryed to connect with a w95 and It went OK. I can ping all the computers inside the lan (intranet) and they can ping me. The only problem is that I only see the server on My Network place, cannot see the 95 VPN client. I only have TCP/IP protocol. Do I need to use NETBEUI?, or maybe I should change the Workgroup of my computer?

Thansk a lot

Carmelo Lopez
Well using NetBEUI (or NetBIOS) is probably a good idea for them computers to see each other, also IPX/SPX shows up network resources pretty quickly.....

Try adding both protocols to both computers (won't hurt) and if you get a result remove IPX/SPX and see if that helps... Leave NetBIOS and TCP/IP on...

PS I had similar problems with Win2k machines and Win95/8 machines, even if you fix it right it can sometimes take a little while for a machine to pop up in the network neighbourhood- hope this helps

Thanks a lot, I got it fix finally.
I changed the workgroup of my win95 to the domain on the 2000 server and it went ok.

I'm trying to set up a VPN server, but no luck. My problem is that remote cliant can't ping computers in the LAN. I have read Microsoft documentation but doesn't help. Can you tell me how you set up VPN server?
Thank you

could u please explain how u setup the vpn in detail because i want to setup the same and i have one static ip from the dsl service provider. is one static ip address is good enough or we need two.


Hi there,
Do you know if VPN works well with ADSL connections? It something we may be using very soon with our terminal server. Do you think it's possible?

Ok, this is what I did.
First of all, I have only one NIC on the server, because I have a Firewall and a router to get to Internet.

You only need 1 public IP address so you can get to your VPN Server.

I can only explain what to do in my case, but I guess you can translate it to your case.

First of all, you need to install the remote access. Go to Control Panel--> Config Server--> Network--> Remote Access (I'm translating from a spanish W2000, so excuse me if something ain't right).
It will ask you to choose a config, choose VPN.
Now a new window shows all the protocols to use with VPN.
You should have at least TCP/IP on the window.
Now choose the interface. In your case you should choose the ADSL interface, or the <No Internet> if you have a design like mine.
Now you can use DHCP or a IP pool. I rather use a IP Pool, but if you want to use DHCP and you have a DHCP server on your LAN, go ahead and use it.

Now you can use a Radius server (IAS). I didn't have one, well I do but is one from CISCO and I didn't wanna mess it with this.

Now you gotta put the static routes. Go to Control Panel-->Administrative tools-->Routing & remote access.
go to routing IP and add a new rute. You should have a new route to get to all your LAN. Let's say that your private LAN is mask and your gateway is, then you will put a route like mask gateway
If you wanna let them get out to Internet, use a route like gateway internet_gateway.

Ok, now you shoul config the ports. Basically you have 128 ports for PPTP and 128 for L2TP. If you are using W95,98,NT clients you can only use PPTP for VPN protocol.
Go to Ports, click with right mouse button and choose config. There you can change the number of ports.

Now change the remote access directives (I think that's the name in english, is the 5th option. Add a new one. Name it VPN access, and add the next ones: NAS-Port_Type=Virtual(VPN) and Tunel-Type=Point-to-Point Protocol(PPTP).

Now close the remote access window, go to a command shell and execute MMC.
this will update the ip routes table of the server.

In the firewall you must let the ports 1723 and 47 to have access from outside and to outside so the VPN packets can pass the firewall to get to the VPN server inside the LAN.

You must add a new group, named it VPN if you like, and a new user that must have privileges to remote access.

Ok, now the VPN client. You should first dial your ISP access and once you are on Internet use the VPN. If you don't have a VPN adapter on the Win95 you must get the file named msdun13.exe

It will ask you the server address. Use the public IP of your ADSL and there you go..
By the way, if you wanna see all the computers on the Private LAN with the Network Place icon from w95, you should not use a domain connection and your computer must have for Workgroup the domain of your Private LAN.

Hope this helps a little.
To Nick:

There should be no real difference between using VPN on ISDN, or ADSL.
Providing ADSL will carry TCP/IP etc, the interface itself is transparent. VPN is really a set of encryption protocols and wrappers which are applied to an otherwise normal data transmission by the OS's / dedicated VPN machine.

So, set me straight if I'm wrong, but VPN *should* work over ADSL just the same as anything else.

Good Luck!!
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