I'm having a problem reaching a IP address through my Cisco 3000 VPN setup. Here's what it looks like
HomeUser(192.168.0.x NATs 24.234.x.y)-->VPN Client(DHCP 172.17.x.y)-->Firewall(NATs>Router(147.146.x.y)
I cannot reach 147.146.x.y. (I realize that this is a public address but the connection to it must be made from inside our network). I have set rules on the VPN to allow secure networks and I can reach anything on the internal network (which is where all our servers are) but when I need to hit network or 192.168.10 I must pass through the CheckPoint firewall and I can't reach anything there.
I know that traffic is attempting to pass through the VPN and not across the HomeUser's Internet tunnel as I can see the traffic counter rise on the VPN Client status window and I have tracert'd it to check.
I assume that the problem is in traversing the Firewall. Maybe there are problems NATing the HomeUser address, then assigning that DHCP (VPN client), then NATing again once it goes through the firewall ( Is that too much spoofing to allow?
Thanks for any tips.
HomeUser(192.168.0.x NATs 24.234.x.y)-->VPN Client(DHCP 172.17.x.y)-->Firewall(NATs>Router(147.146.x.y)
I cannot reach 147.146.x.y. (I realize that this is a public address but the connection to it must be made from inside our network). I have set rules on the VPN to allow secure networks and I can reach anything on the internal network (which is where all our servers are) but when I need to hit network or 192.168.10 I must pass through the CheckPoint firewall and I can't reach anything there.
I know that traffic is attempting to pass through the VPN and not across the HomeUser's Internet tunnel as I can see the traffic counter rise on the VPN Client status window and I have tracert'd it to check.
I assume that the problem is in traversing the Firewall. Maybe there are problems NATing the HomeUser address, then assigning that DHCP (VPN client), then NATing again once it goes through the firewall ( Is that too much spoofing to allow?
Thanks for any tips.