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Jun 10, 2003
we have some problems with VPN connection (4.65) since the first installation..
Well, some days (like yesterday) all the machines brake the connection time in time... but, the most common problem is that some machines dont log in the VPN (today for example), but tomorrow this machine back to the normal and log to VPN, and it is random, cause today this problem is in the machine A,D and E and tomorrow in the machine C,F and G, totally crazy. We did some tests like download and install a newer version of VPN client and the problem continues, we changed the lan board to work with 100 megabits but dont work, we open totally the firewalls to the GE address and the problem continues, the network speed is good, but when this problems happen we cant solve, we just wait to the next day, and in the next day another machine appear with this problem. We rebuilt two machines with this problems and in the firest no problem, after that in the next day, the problem came back. In other case we rebuilt another machine and did not work... and detail, we have others VPN connections and this problem happen only with the GE connection.
if someone can send me a tip..
Need a little more information. What are you connecting to? Nortel Contivities....

When you say no connection, do you get an error message or don't authenticate to a network.

In the root of the install folder, c:\program files\Nortell... you will see some log files, what do they say?
Ok, the problem with the conection was solved, i was trying connect to GE global network, in this problem came the message of banner (got ip, logged) and sundelly the connection was broken, i change the rules on firewall, putting to rules, one to entry other to exit, (before a put a two way rule).. but the disconnection problem still happen, i saw tha in just one machine the ip sec option (when you right click in nortel icon) is ip sec disable, the machines that problem of five minutes disconnect happen is with option ip sec on port 2001..
i am coneccting on to GE contivity vpn. thanks for your atention!!
I too am connecting to the GE VPN. Have you had any success enableing split tunneling?
Hi, am a GE Med VPN admin. 1 comment and 1 question:

Comment: It is a violation of GE Security Policy (from everything I've ever been told) to permit split tunneling.....inherently risky over public broadband connections....I use Cisco but I expect Nortel is the same in that the control over this function is a feature of the server, not the client.

Question: I have groups of users running Nortel (4.1 I think) and they are complaining about the inability to connect more than 1 client from behind a broadband router. Anyone aware of a workaround...like enable/disable IPSEC passthru on the router? Is a problem that has been encountered in Hotels running NAT and by users at their homes.

Thanks much!
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