I have read many posts here but am having trouble finding the correct answer. My questions are as followed:
1) What is the correct way to setup a shortcut on clients computer to run an ms access database after connected through vpn? (like target, start in, etc)Mine I created is :
Target:"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\MSACCESS.EXE" "D:\EGL-DB\EGL-DB.MDE" /WRKGRP "\\DARKONE\EGL-DB\egl.mdw"
Start In: D:\EGL-DB
2) I can connect to the main computer through vpn but I can't map drives or see \\darkone\{folder} which is shared, why? I haven't tried pinging the ip's yet but will in the morning but I am pretty sure it won't see it even though I am connected.
I have WIN XP Pro on both machines
Have admin rights on both machines
Have NWLink netbios
Both machines run roadrunner cable modems
Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You,
I have read many posts here but am having trouble finding the correct answer. My questions are as followed:
1) What is the correct way to setup a shortcut on clients computer to run an ms access database after connected through vpn? (like target, start in, etc)Mine I created is :
Target:"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\MSACCESS.EXE" "D:\EGL-DB\EGL-DB.MDE" /WRKGRP "\\DARKONE\EGL-DB\egl.mdw"
Start In: D:\EGL-DB
2) I can connect to the main computer through vpn but I can't map drives or see \\darkone\{folder} which is shared, why? I haven't tried pinging the ip's yet but will in the morning but I am pretty sure it won't see it even though I am connected.
I have WIN XP Pro on both machines
Have admin rights on both machines
Have NWLink netbios
Both machines run roadrunner cable modems
Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You,