Hello all, well here it is; My boss wants me to setup a vpn for him from his house to his office, but wait there's more, when he goes on sabbatical to Italy he wants to be able to vpn in from there also...I need help. I'm OK w/the home2work vpn, but the Italy2work is tricky. Here's what I have to work w/ 1 DSL connect from verizon into a SonicWall SoHo router (It has VPN I just haven't activated it) 1 Dell Power Edge 2500 w/2000 server. At the boss' house; DSL from Verizon, linksys router and laptop w/ XP Pro. This is the laptop that will be going to Europe. Now what would be the best course of action? Should I config RAS on the server, get the VPN client for the SonicWall, go with a 3rd party software like symantec vpn...? Money is not a problem really, he has to be able to VPN in. I tried another forum and the only one who responded said to setup multi-honed linux box!?! Thanx for the help.