Machine A is nat'ed with a private address, behind a firewall (the config of which I can't change). Machine B has a public ip. I can access Machine B from Machine A no problem. In order to access Machine A from Machine B, I have to jump through Machine C (where I have an acct, but not root).
So, given this, is it possible to set up a vpn so that machines A & B can talk?
My actual goal is to be able to get x11 traffic from Machine A to Machine B, but since I have to go through Machine C, it doesn't cut it. Machine C is not configured to forward X traffic anyway, so a tunnel from B to C to A isn't an option.
So, given this, is it possible to set up a vpn so that machines A & B can talk?
My actual goal is to be able to get x11 traffic from Machine A to Machine B, but since I have to go through Machine C, it doesn't cut it. Machine C is not configured to forward X traffic anyway, so a tunnel from B to C to A isn't an option.