I have a BCM50 where voicemail answers call in CCR Tree 1 with 4 options on 4 lines. Client does not want mailbox active, simply a message, we have 4 people answering calls, once they press 0 or wait on the line, the issue is after several rings the system disconnects, General Delivery is not wanted by the client or any active mailbox, should the calls not continue to ring?
I have not checked if I have a CFNA active which I will in the morning, could anything else cause the lines to disconnect once the call is routed to front desk by the voicemail. Should it not just continue to ring?
Hope you can help, thanks
I have not checked if I have a CFNA active which I will in the morning, could anything else cause the lines to disconnect once the call is routed to front desk by the voicemail. Should it not just continue to ring?
Hope you can help, thanks