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Voicemail Pro Variables - I Voicemail Pro A to as dial a variable value using the telephone keyboard 1

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Technical User
Apr 18, 2006
Voicemail Pro Variables - I'm using Voicemail Pro Module to as dial a variable value using the telephone keyboard, which represents a shortcode I wish another module to dial.

The purpose is to set an on-call doctor by entering his three digit identifier. This same numerical identifier will later be used to dial a short code which will dial the doctor.

I set up a User Defined Variable named Hospitalist, but I can't seem to set the variable to one of the 3 defined short codes. The shortcode equals the number dialed to set the variable.

Also, any advice on how to view the current value of a variable?

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Just so I'm clear, you have a Var named Hospitalist, which will hold a 3 digit value; yes? This value will at some point be a shortcode, which you'll do a transfer to. Yes?

In that case, this is what you do.

Say the Hospitalist variable was set using a menu and then a set user variable action, and is set to 567 (or whatever).
What you would do is in your call flow when you wanted to GET the variable stored (567), you would put in a "Generic Action", generic command, SET CPxx Value, use variable 0 ($CP0), with value of user defined variable Hospitalist; It would look like $REG[Hospitalist]. Then you would connect that to a transfer to $CP0. This would transfer the current call to 567, which the system would pick up as shortcode and dial/transfer/whatever.

In order to view the current value, in the vm pro client you can go to server queues, user variables, and see what is stored.
Or, you could build out a module, such as above, and do the same generic action, but then link it to another generic action with just an entry prompt that says (you'll need to record this) "the current code set is..." and then put in ANOTHER entry prompt (right after) with just a value of $CP0. As long as something is stored in $CP0, it will speak back (without a license) the value of that record.

ACE: Implement IP Office
Hey Austin - thanks so much for the speedy reply to my post!

You have given me several great pointers here. I can see my post was a little confusing, so I appreciate your efforts to interpret what I needed.

You understood my question pretty well I think. My goal is to have two modules - one will be used by a supervisor to set the "hospitalist" variable (representing a 3 digit short code), and the other for staff to be transferred to the on-call doctor via a module using the transfer action, with the contents of the "hospitalist" variable as the target. You correctly interpreted my question with regard to the short codes - the 3 digit "hospitalist" variable will map to a 3 digit short code in the IP Office, which will transfer the call to the doctors cell phone (I have built a separate short code for each doctor).

One thing I'm still unclear on is how to capture a sequence of 3 digits and place them in a user defined variable. I prefer not to use a menu which says "press 1 to set Dr. x, press 2 to set Dr. Y...etc.", because I have 15 doctors. My goal is to have the supervisor dial into the VM Pro module and be told to dial the 3 digit code to set the "hospitalist" variable.

Many thanks for your help Austin!
You would have a menu with ??? as the touch tones, which then links to a "set user variable" action, with $KEY as the "...with the following"

ACE: Implement IP Office
Outstanding! That really help Austin. I will give it a try and let you know how it goes!
Hey Austin - I followed all your sage suggestions, and everything is working exactly as I wanted. Thank you! You helped me get this done, and learn more about VM Pro. Much appreciated! Mike
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