Have recently upgraded our MS Exchange from 2003 to 2010. Since that, our Voicemail Pro server (version is having issues relaying SMTP voicemail alerts to this new email server.
I have changed the IP of our new email server everywhere I can think of, most importantly in the Voicemail Pro Control panel area of the server. I also users correctly set up in Avaya IP Manager for voicemail alerts
The Event log error I am getting on the Voicemail server is:
Event ID: 4098
EasyMail SMTP error!
Server:xx.xx.xx.xx (internal IP for email server)
09/04/11 15:15:17
503 5.5.2 Need mail command
Initially, I felt it was incorrect Receive connector settings on this new email server. I have a receive connector set up to receive/relay SMTP messages from the Voicemail server. That still may be it, but if so, am looking for the correct settings.
Any ideas? Thanks
I have changed the IP of our new email server everywhere I can think of, most importantly in the Voicemail Pro Control panel area of the server. I also users correctly set up in Avaya IP Manager for voicemail alerts
The Event log error I am getting on the Voicemail server is:
Event ID: 4098
EasyMail SMTP error!
Server:xx.xx.xx.xx (internal IP for email server)
09/04/11 15:15:17
503 5.5.2 Need mail command
Initially, I felt it was incorrect Receive connector settings on this new email server. I have a receive connector set up to receive/relay SMTP messages from the Voicemail server. That still may be it, but if so, am looking for the correct settings.
Any ideas? Thanks