Technical User
I just upgraded one of our customers from embedded voicemail to voicemail pro and I'm trying to get out calling configured. They want a voicemail box to call to one of their cell phones if there is a message left in their afterhours emergency box. I've used the voicemail pro client to set it up so far and I can get it to call out to their desk phones (aka extensions only) However, whenever I try to have it call externally, I can watch System Status and see the call set up and then immediately disappear.
Here's a monitor trace (not sure if I got the filters right)
09:53:12 1034767043mS CMExtnEvt: v=(null) State, new=Idle old=Idle,0,0,1304: Menu Key Pressed 12:I
09:53:12 1034767044mS CMExtnEvt: v=(null) State, new=Idle old=Idle,0,0,1304: Feature Key Pressed 6
09:53:12 1034767045mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a0500000945 263.2373.0 364 Jon.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSConnected->CMCSCompleted
09:53:12 1034767045mS CMExtnEvt: v=1 State, new=PortRecoverDelay old=Connected,0,0,Jon
09:53:12 1034767048mS CMExtnEvt: Jon: CALL LOST (CMCauseNormal)
09:53:12 1034767048mS CMExtnEvt: Jon: Extn(1304) Calling Party Number(1304) Type(CMNTypeInternal)
09:53:12 1034767048mS CMExtnEvt: Jon: CMExtnHandler::SetCurrent( id: 2373->0 )
09:53:12 1034767049mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a0500000945 263.2373.0 -1 Jon.-1: StateChange: END=X CMCSCompleted->CMCSDelete
09:53:12 1034767050mS CMExtnEvt: RAS: CALL LOST (CMCauseNormal)
09:53:12 1034767050mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a0500000947 0.2375.0 -1 RAS.0: StateChange: END=X CMCSConnected->CMCSCompleted
09:53:12 1034767050mS CMExtnEvt: v=1012 State, new=PortRecoverDelay old=Connected,0,0,RAS
09:53:12 1034767051mS CMMap: a=21.11 b=0.0 T0
09:53:12 1034767052mS CMExtnEvt: RAS: CMExtnHandler::SetCurrent( id: 2375->0 )
09:53:12 1034767053mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a0500000947 0.2375.0 -1 RAS.-1: StateChange: END=X CMCSCompleted->CMCSDelete
09:53:12 1034767053mS CMExtnEvt: v=1012 State, new=Idle old=PortRecoverDelay,0,0,RAS
09:53:12 1034767053mS PRN: CMQoSHandler::CheckQoSAlarm(): QoS data not available - handler is not on an extension or a line
09:53:12 1034767053mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a0500000947 0.2375.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint f1786a94 TOTAL NOW=1 CALL_LIST=0
09:53:12 1034767054mS CMCallEvt: END CALL:364 (f1798c64)
09:53:12 1034767055mS PRN: QOS Data: Call ID=364 Device=Phone(Number=1304, BaseExtn=1304) IP Address: Peer IP Address: Call Duration=26s
09:53:12 1034767055mS PRN: QOS Data Continued Jitter: Max=0ms Avg=0ms Round Trip Delay: Max=3ms Avg=3ms Packet Loss: Max=0/1000 Avg=0/1000
09:53:12 1034767055mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a0500000945 263.2373.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint f17a9fdc TOTAL NOW=0 CALL_LIST=0
09:53:12 1034767058mS CMMap: PCG::UnmapBChan pcp[55]b1r0 cp_b f5336dc8 other_cp_b f5347338
09:53:12 1034767058mS CMMap: a=0.1 b=21.11 M02
09:53:12 1034767059mS PRN: rtpRelayFilter close rc: 0 rtpRelayId: 1
09:53:12 1034767059mS CMMap: PlatformConnectionAudioSAP:
isconnectRtpFilter rtpRelayId: 1 Close success
09:53:12 1034767059mS CMMap: PCG::UnmapBChan pcp[475]b0r1 cp_b 0 other_cp_b 0
09:53:12 1034767060mS CMMap: a=0.1 b=0.0 Mapper::FreeCodec freed CMRTVocoder(f52fd898) resource busy 1, total 42
09:53:14 1034769049mS CMExtnEvt: Jon: Recover Timer reason=CMTRWrapUp
09:53:14 1034769049mS CMExtnEvt: v=1 State, new=Idle old=PortRecoverDelay,0,0,Jon
09:53:14 1034769573mS RES: Tue 7/9/2021 09:53:14 FreeMem=55380056 Heap=54939700(3) Cache=440356 MemObjs=11503(Max 12536) CMMsg=8(9) ASN=0 Buff=5200 1364 1000 7404 5 Links=54036(54290) BTree=727(1289) CB=6064 MCT=0 CPU=08.92% CPUStats=08.01%/1/5/2438/1638
8/18081/00.04%/0/02.63% MCR=0
09:53:14 1034769573mS RES2: IP 500 V2 build 3 Tasks=61 RTEngine=0 CMRTEngine=0 ExRTEngine=0 Timer=15+71 Poll=0 Ready=0 CMReady=0 CMQueue=0 VPNNQueue=0 Monitor=1 SSA=1 TCP=29(TLS=10 OFF=0) TAPI=0 Partner=0 ASC=1 SYS=MNTD OPT=UMNT SDSPD=2034
09:53:14 1034769574mS RES4: XML MemObjs=8 PoolMem=4748404(2) FreeMem=4736284(0) HeapUsed=0
09:53:14 1034769574mS RES5: CLog MemObjs=272 FreePoolMem(Objs)=7168(128) TotalMem=22400 StringsTotalMem=103600
09:53:15 1034770233mS CMMap: a=21.11 b=1.65534 T
09:53:15 1034770235mS CMCallEvt: 0000000000000000 0.2376.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint f17a9fdc TOTAL NOW=1 CALL_LIST=0
09:53:15 1034770235mS CMCallEvt: CREATE CALL:365 (f1798c64)
09:53:15 1034770235mS CMCallEvt: 0000000000000000 0.2377.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint f17b4550 TOTAL NOW=2 CALL_LIST=0
09:53:15 1034770237mS CMExtnEvt: RAS: CMExtnHandler::SetCurrent( id: 0->2376 )
09:53:15 1034770238mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 365 RAS.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSIdle->CMCSDialInitiated
09:53:15 1034770238mS CMExtnEvt: v=1012 State, new=Dialling old=Idle,0,0,RAS
09:53:15 1034770238mS CMTARGET: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 365 RAS.0: LOOKUP CALL ROUTE: GID=0 type=100 called_party= sub= calling=Voicemail calling_sub= dir=out complete=0 ses=0
09:53:15 1034770238mS CMTARGET: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 365 RAS.0: ADD TARGET (N): number= type=100 depth=1 nobar=1 setorig=1 ses=0
09:53:15 1034770239mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 365 RAS.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSDialInitiated->CMCSDialling
09:53:15 1034770242mS CMTARGET: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 365 RAS.0: LOOKUP CALL ROUTE: GID=0 type=111 called_party=97275045706 sub= calling=OUTBOUND ALERT calling_sub= dir=out complete=1 ses=0
09:53:15 1034770242mS CMTARGET: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 365 RAS.0: ADD TARGET (N): number=97275045706 type=111 depth=1 nobar=1 setorig=1 ses=0
09:53:15 1034770242mS CMTARGET: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 365 RAS.0: SYS SC: 97275045706 2 7275045706 sc=type=Dial code=9N, num=N callinfop->sending_complete=1 secondary_dialtone=
09:53:15 1034770243mS CMARS: FindActiveARSByGroupID GroupID=50 - Found
09:53:15 1034770243mS CMARS: MakeCallTarget - Called Number: 7275045706
09:53:15 1034770243mS CMCallEvt: 0000000000000000 0.2378.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint f174ab64 TOTAL NOW=3 CALL_LIST=1
09:53:15 1034770244mS CMTARGET: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 365 RAS.0: CancelTimer CMTCDialToneTimeout
09:53:15 1034770244mS CMTARGET: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 365 RAS.0: INITIAL TARGETING SUCCEEDED
09:53:15 1034770244mS CMTARGET: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 365 RAS.0: GetNoAnswerTimer:25
09:53:15 1034770245mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 365 RAS.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSDialling->CMCSDialled
09:53:15 1034770245mS CMExtnEvt: v=1012 State, new=Proceeding old=Dialling,0,0,RAS
09:53:15 1034770245mS CMCallEvt: 0000000000000000 0.2377.0 365 TargetingEP: StateChange: END=B CMCSIdle->CMCSOffering
09:53:15 1034770246mS CMCallEvt: 0000000000000000 0.2378.0 365 ARS for Main: StateChange: END=T CMCSIdle->CMCSOffering
09:53:15 1034770246mS CMCallEvt: 0000000000000000 0.2377.0 365 TargetingEP: RequestEnd 0000000000000000 0.2378.0 365 ARS for Main
09:53:15 1034770246mS CMTARGET: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 365 RAS.0: CancelTimer CMTCNoAnswerTimeout
09:53:15 1034770247mS CMCallEvt: 0000000000000000 0.2378.0 365 ARS for Main: StateChange: END=B CMCSOffering->CMCSOverlapRecv
09:53:15 1034770247mS CMARS: FORM: Main - Received Number: 7275045706
09:53:15 1034770248mS CMARS: FOUND A SHORT CODE - short_code: 727N; - Tel: 1727N - Called_Party: 17275045706 - Line Group Id: 1
09:53:15 1034770248mS CMARS: SetCurrentTarget: Short_Code: 727N; - Line_Group_ID: 1
09:53:15 1034770248mS CMARS: FindActiveARSByGroupID GroupID=1 - Not Found
09:53:15 1034770248mS CMLRQ: FindActiveLRQByGroupID GroupID=1 - Not Found
09:53:15 1034770248mS CMCallEvt: 0000000000000000 0.2379.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint f1753c30 TOTAL NOW=4 CALL_LIST=1
09:53:15 1034770249mS CMTARGET: ISDN BChannel 23: in-service check = 1
09:53:15 1034770250mS CMARS: ModifyCMARSTarget: Short_Code: 727N; - Line_Group_ID: 1 set line status to CMARS_TRYING
09:53:15 1034770251mS CMARS: FOUND LINE - Line Id: 1 - using line group id: 1 (code 727N;, line 1) - Called Number: 17275045706 - Calling Number: OUTBOUND ALERT
09:53:15 1034770251mS CMARS: SEND Setup TO LINE
09:53:15 1034770251mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a050000094b 0.2379.0 365 Q931 Trunk:1 CHAN=23: StateChange: END=child CMCSIdle->CMCSOffering
09:53:15 1034770251mS PRN: Setting configured voice gain for ch 23.
09:53:15 1034770251mS T1DSP: PRIU DSP 1: channel 23 (timeslot 46), restore gains tx 10, rx 10
09:53:15 1034770251mS CMCallEvt: 0000000000000000 0.2377.0 -1 TargetingEP: StateChange: END=X CMCSOffering->CMCSDelete
09:53:15 1034770252mS CMCallEvt: 0000000000000000 0.2377.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint f17b4550 TOTAL NOW=3 CALL_LIST=1
09:53:15 1034770254mS ISDNL3Evt: v=1 stacknum=1 State, new=Initiated, old=NullState id=2379
09:53:15 1034770330mS ISDNL3Evt: v=1 stacknum=1 State, new=Proceeding, old=Initiated id=2379
09:53:15 1034770331mS CMARS: LINE ep Received: CMProceeding - child->state = CMCSOffering - ARS Call State = CMCSOverlapRecv
09:53:15 1034770331mS CMARS: LINE IS NOW THE B END OF THE CALL - CMARSEndpoint::RequestEnd()
09:53:15 1034770331mS CMARS: CMARSEndpoint::CallLost(cause=124) - Address: c0a82a0500000948 0.2378.0 365 ARS for Main - Call State: CMCSOverlapRecv
09:53:15 1034770332mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a0500000948 0.2378.0 -1 ARS for Main: StateChange: END=X CMCSOverlapRecv->CMCSDelete
09:53:15 1034770333mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a050000094b 0.2379.0 365 Q931 Trunk:1 CHAN=23: StateChange: END=B CMCSOffering->CMCSAccept
09:53:15 1034770333mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a0500000948 0.2378.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint f174ab64 TOTAL NOW=2 CALL_LIST=1
09:53:15 1034770335mS CMMap: PCG::MapBChan pcp[55]b1r0 cp_b f5336dc8 other_cp_b 0 type CGTypeSimple
09:53:15 1034770335mS CMMap: PCG::MapBChan pcp[121]b1r0 cp_b f52f2784 other_cp_b f5336dc8 type CGTypeSimple
09:53:15 1034770335mS CMMap: a=21.11 b=1.24 M12
09:53:15 1034770730mS ISDNL3Evt: v=1 stacknum=1 State, new=ReleaseReq, old=Proceeding id=2379
09:53:15 1034770791mS ISDNL3Evt: v=1 stacknum=1 State, new=NullState, old=ReleaseReq id=2379
09:53:15 1034770791mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a050000094b 0.2379.0 365 Q931 Trunk:1 CHAN=23: StateChange: END=B CMCSAccept->CMCSCompleted
09:53:15 1034770793mS CMExtnEvt: RAS: CALL LOST (CMCauseBusy)
09:53:15 1034770793mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 -1 RAS.0: StateChange: END=X CMCSDialled->CMCSCompleted
09:53:15 1034770794mS CMExtnEvt: v=1012 State, new=PortRecoverDelay old=Proceeding,0,0,RAS
09:53:15 1034770794mS CMMap: a=21.11 b=0.0 T0
09:53:15 1034770795mS CMExtnEvt: RAS: CMExtnHandler::SetCurrent( id: 2376->0 )
09:53:15 1034770796mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 -1 RAS.-1: StateChange: END=X CMCSCompleted->CMCSDelete
09:53:15 1034770796mS CMExtnEvt: v=1012 State, new=Idle old=PortRecoverDelay,0,0,RAS
09:53:15 1034770797mS CMTARGET: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 -1 BaseEP: ~CMTargetHandler f17ae5d4 ep f17a9fdc
09:53:15 1034770797mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint f17a9fdc TOTAL NOW=1 CALL_LIST=0
09:53:15 1034770797mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a050000094b 0.2379.0 -1 Q931 Trunk:1 CHAN=23: StateChange: END=X CMCSCompleted->CMCSDelete
09:53:15 1034770797mS CMCallEvt: END CALL:365 (f1798c64)
09:53:15 1034770798mS CMTARGET: ISDN BChannel 23: in-service check = 1
09:53:15 1034770798mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a050000094b 0.2379.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint f1753c30 TOTAL NOW=0 CALL_LIST=0
09:53:15 1034770800mS CMMap: PCG::UnmapBChan pcp[55]b1r0 cp_b f5336dc8 other_cp_b f52f2784
09:53:15 1034770800mS CMMap: a=1.24 b=21.11 M02
09:53:15 1034770800mS CMMap: PCG::UnmapBChan pcp[121]b1r0 cp_b f52f2784 other_cp_b 0
********** SysMonitor v11. build 3 [connected to (TSS IPO)] **********
09:53:19 1034774001mS PRN: Monitor Status IP 500 V2 build 3
09:53:19 1034774001mS PRN: LAW=U PRI=1, BRI=0, ALOG=4, VCOMP=42, MDM=0, WAN=0, MODU=0 LANM=0 CkSRC=1 VMAIL=1(VER=3 TYP=1) 1-X=0 CALLS=0(TOT=365)
09:53:19 1034774574mS RES: Tue 7/9/2021 09:53:19 FreeMem=55378732 Heap=54939700(3) Cache=439032 MemObjs=11508(Max 12536) CMMsg=8(9) ASN=0 Buff=5200 1363 1000 7404 5 Links=54038(54290) BTree=728(1289) CB=6063 MCT=0 CPU=08.92% CPUStats=07.22%/1/5/2438/1658
8/18081/00.03%/0/02.64% MCR=0
09:53:19 1034774575mS RES2: IP 500 V2 build 3 Tasks=61 RTEngine=0 CMRTEngine=0 ExRTEngine=0 Timer=14+71 Poll=0 Ready=0 CMReady=0 CMQueue=0 VPNNQueue=0 Monitor=1 SSA=1 TCP=30(TLS=10 OFF=0) TAPI=0 Partner=0 ASC=1 SYS=MNTD OPT=UMNT SDSPD=2034
09:53:19 1034774575mS RES4: XML MemObjs=8 PoolMem=4748404(2) FreeMem=4736284(0) HeapUsed=0
09:53:19 1034774575mS RES5: CLog MemObjs=272 FreePoolMem(Objs)=7168(128) TotalMem=22400 StringsTotalMem=103600
Here's a monitor trace (not sure if I got the filters right)
09:53:12 1034767043mS CMExtnEvt: v=(null) State, new=Idle old=Idle,0,0,1304: Menu Key Pressed 12:I
09:53:12 1034767044mS CMExtnEvt: v=(null) State, new=Idle old=Idle,0,0,1304: Feature Key Pressed 6
09:53:12 1034767045mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a0500000945 263.2373.0 364 Jon.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSConnected->CMCSCompleted
09:53:12 1034767045mS CMExtnEvt: v=1 State, new=PortRecoverDelay old=Connected,0,0,Jon
09:53:12 1034767048mS CMExtnEvt: Jon: CALL LOST (CMCauseNormal)
09:53:12 1034767048mS CMExtnEvt: Jon: Extn(1304) Calling Party Number(1304) Type(CMNTypeInternal)
09:53:12 1034767048mS CMExtnEvt: Jon: CMExtnHandler::SetCurrent( id: 2373->0 )
09:53:12 1034767049mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a0500000945 263.2373.0 -1 Jon.-1: StateChange: END=X CMCSCompleted->CMCSDelete
09:53:12 1034767050mS CMExtnEvt: RAS: CALL LOST (CMCauseNormal)
09:53:12 1034767050mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a0500000947 0.2375.0 -1 RAS.0: StateChange: END=X CMCSConnected->CMCSCompleted
09:53:12 1034767050mS CMExtnEvt: v=1012 State, new=PortRecoverDelay old=Connected,0,0,RAS
09:53:12 1034767051mS CMMap: a=21.11 b=0.0 T0
09:53:12 1034767052mS CMExtnEvt: RAS: CMExtnHandler::SetCurrent( id: 2375->0 )
09:53:12 1034767053mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a0500000947 0.2375.0 -1 RAS.-1: StateChange: END=X CMCSCompleted->CMCSDelete
09:53:12 1034767053mS CMExtnEvt: v=1012 State, new=Idle old=PortRecoverDelay,0,0,RAS
09:53:12 1034767053mS PRN: CMQoSHandler::CheckQoSAlarm(): QoS data not available - handler is not on an extension or a line
09:53:12 1034767053mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a0500000947 0.2375.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint f1786a94 TOTAL NOW=1 CALL_LIST=0
09:53:12 1034767054mS CMCallEvt: END CALL:364 (f1798c64)
09:53:12 1034767055mS PRN: QOS Data: Call ID=364 Device=Phone(Number=1304, BaseExtn=1304) IP Address: Peer IP Address: Call Duration=26s
09:53:12 1034767055mS PRN: QOS Data Continued Jitter: Max=0ms Avg=0ms Round Trip Delay: Max=3ms Avg=3ms Packet Loss: Max=0/1000 Avg=0/1000
09:53:12 1034767055mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a0500000945 263.2373.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint f17a9fdc TOTAL NOW=0 CALL_LIST=0
09:53:12 1034767058mS CMMap: PCG::UnmapBChan pcp[55]b1r0 cp_b f5336dc8 other_cp_b f5347338
09:53:12 1034767058mS CMMap: a=0.1 b=21.11 M02
09:53:12 1034767059mS PRN: rtpRelayFilter close rc: 0 rtpRelayId: 1
09:53:12 1034767059mS CMMap: PlatformConnectionAudioSAP:
09:53:12 1034767059mS CMMap: PCG::UnmapBChan pcp[475]b0r1 cp_b 0 other_cp_b 0
09:53:12 1034767060mS CMMap: a=0.1 b=0.0 Mapper::FreeCodec freed CMRTVocoder(f52fd898) resource busy 1, total 42
09:53:14 1034769049mS CMExtnEvt: Jon: Recover Timer reason=CMTRWrapUp
09:53:14 1034769049mS CMExtnEvt: v=1 State, new=Idle old=PortRecoverDelay,0,0,Jon
09:53:14 1034769573mS RES: Tue 7/9/2021 09:53:14 FreeMem=55380056 Heap=54939700(3) Cache=440356 MemObjs=11503(Max 12536) CMMsg=8(9) ASN=0 Buff=5200 1364 1000 7404 5 Links=54036(54290) BTree=727(1289) CB=6064 MCT=0 CPU=08.92% CPUStats=08.01%/1/5/2438/1638
8/18081/00.04%/0/02.63% MCR=0
09:53:14 1034769573mS RES2: IP 500 V2 build 3 Tasks=61 RTEngine=0 CMRTEngine=0 ExRTEngine=0 Timer=15+71 Poll=0 Ready=0 CMReady=0 CMQueue=0 VPNNQueue=0 Monitor=1 SSA=1 TCP=29(TLS=10 OFF=0) TAPI=0 Partner=0 ASC=1 SYS=MNTD OPT=UMNT SDSPD=2034
09:53:14 1034769574mS RES4: XML MemObjs=8 PoolMem=4748404(2) FreeMem=4736284(0) HeapUsed=0
09:53:14 1034769574mS RES5: CLog MemObjs=272 FreePoolMem(Objs)=7168(128) TotalMem=22400 StringsTotalMem=103600
09:53:15 1034770233mS CMMap: a=21.11 b=1.65534 T
09:53:15 1034770235mS CMCallEvt: 0000000000000000 0.2376.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint f17a9fdc TOTAL NOW=1 CALL_LIST=0
09:53:15 1034770235mS CMCallEvt: CREATE CALL:365 (f1798c64)
09:53:15 1034770235mS CMCallEvt: 0000000000000000 0.2377.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint f17b4550 TOTAL NOW=2 CALL_LIST=0
09:53:15 1034770237mS CMExtnEvt: RAS: CMExtnHandler::SetCurrent( id: 0->2376 )
09:53:15 1034770238mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 365 RAS.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSIdle->CMCSDialInitiated
09:53:15 1034770238mS CMExtnEvt: v=1012 State, new=Dialling old=Idle,0,0,RAS
09:53:15 1034770238mS CMTARGET: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 365 RAS.0: LOOKUP CALL ROUTE: GID=0 type=100 called_party= sub= calling=Voicemail calling_sub= dir=out complete=0 ses=0
09:53:15 1034770238mS CMTARGET: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 365 RAS.0: ADD TARGET (N): number= type=100 depth=1 nobar=1 setorig=1 ses=0
09:53:15 1034770239mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 365 RAS.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSDialInitiated->CMCSDialling
09:53:15 1034770242mS CMTARGET: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 365 RAS.0: LOOKUP CALL ROUTE: GID=0 type=111 called_party=97275045706 sub= calling=OUTBOUND ALERT calling_sub= dir=out complete=1 ses=0
09:53:15 1034770242mS CMTARGET: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 365 RAS.0: ADD TARGET (N): number=97275045706 type=111 depth=1 nobar=1 setorig=1 ses=0
09:53:15 1034770242mS CMTARGET: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 365 RAS.0: SYS SC: 97275045706 2 7275045706 sc=type=Dial code=9N, num=N callinfop->sending_complete=1 secondary_dialtone=
09:53:15 1034770243mS CMARS: FindActiveARSByGroupID GroupID=50 - Found
09:53:15 1034770243mS CMARS: MakeCallTarget - Called Number: 7275045706
09:53:15 1034770243mS CMCallEvt: 0000000000000000 0.2378.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint f174ab64 TOTAL NOW=3 CALL_LIST=1
09:53:15 1034770244mS CMTARGET: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 365 RAS.0: CancelTimer CMTCDialToneTimeout
09:53:15 1034770244mS CMTARGET: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 365 RAS.0: INITIAL TARGETING SUCCEEDED
09:53:15 1034770244mS CMTARGET: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 365 RAS.0: GetNoAnswerTimer:25
09:53:15 1034770245mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 365 RAS.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSDialling->CMCSDialled
09:53:15 1034770245mS CMExtnEvt: v=1012 State, new=Proceeding old=Dialling,0,0,RAS
09:53:15 1034770245mS CMCallEvt: 0000000000000000 0.2377.0 365 TargetingEP: StateChange: END=B CMCSIdle->CMCSOffering
09:53:15 1034770246mS CMCallEvt: 0000000000000000 0.2378.0 365 ARS for Main: StateChange: END=T CMCSIdle->CMCSOffering
09:53:15 1034770246mS CMCallEvt: 0000000000000000 0.2377.0 365 TargetingEP: RequestEnd 0000000000000000 0.2378.0 365 ARS for Main
09:53:15 1034770246mS CMTARGET: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 365 RAS.0: CancelTimer CMTCNoAnswerTimeout
09:53:15 1034770247mS CMCallEvt: 0000000000000000 0.2378.0 365 ARS for Main: StateChange: END=B CMCSOffering->CMCSOverlapRecv
09:53:15 1034770247mS CMARS: FORM: Main - Received Number: 7275045706
09:53:15 1034770248mS CMARS: FOUND A SHORT CODE - short_code: 727N; - Tel: 1727N - Called_Party: 17275045706 - Line Group Id: 1
09:53:15 1034770248mS CMARS: SetCurrentTarget: Short_Code: 727N; - Line_Group_ID: 1
09:53:15 1034770248mS CMARS: FindActiveARSByGroupID GroupID=1 - Not Found
09:53:15 1034770248mS CMLRQ: FindActiveLRQByGroupID GroupID=1 - Not Found
09:53:15 1034770248mS CMCallEvt: 0000000000000000 0.2379.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint f1753c30 TOTAL NOW=4 CALL_LIST=1
09:53:15 1034770249mS CMTARGET: ISDN BChannel 23: in-service check = 1
09:53:15 1034770250mS CMARS: ModifyCMARSTarget: Short_Code: 727N; - Line_Group_ID: 1 set line status to CMARS_TRYING
09:53:15 1034770251mS CMARS: FOUND LINE - Line Id: 1 - using line group id: 1 (code 727N;, line 1) - Called Number: 17275045706 - Calling Number: OUTBOUND ALERT
09:53:15 1034770251mS CMARS: SEND Setup TO LINE
09:53:15 1034770251mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a050000094b 0.2379.0 365 Q931 Trunk:1 CHAN=23: StateChange: END=child CMCSIdle->CMCSOffering
09:53:15 1034770251mS PRN: Setting configured voice gain for ch 23.
09:53:15 1034770251mS T1DSP: PRIU DSP 1: channel 23 (timeslot 46), restore gains tx 10, rx 10
09:53:15 1034770251mS CMCallEvt: 0000000000000000 0.2377.0 -1 TargetingEP: StateChange: END=X CMCSOffering->CMCSDelete
09:53:15 1034770252mS CMCallEvt: 0000000000000000 0.2377.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint f17b4550 TOTAL NOW=3 CALL_LIST=1
09:53:15 1034770254mS ISDNL3Evt: v=1 stacknum=1 State, new=Initiated, old=NullState id=2379
09:53:15 1034770330mS ISDNL3Evt: v=1 stacknum=1 State, new=Proceeding, old=Initiated id=2379
09:53:15 1034770331mS CMARS: LINE ep Received: CMProceeding - child->state = CMCSOffering - ARS Call State = CMCSOverlapRecv
09:53:15 1034770331mS CMARS: LINE IS NOW THE B END OF THE CALL - CMARSEndpoint::RequestEnd()
09:53:15 1034770331mS CMARS: CMARSEndpoint::CallLost(cause=124) - Address: c0a82a0500000948 0.2378.0 365 ARS for Main - Call State: CMCSOverlapRecv
09:53:15 1034770332mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a0500000948 0.2378.0 -1 ARS for Main: StateChange: END=X CMCSOverlapRecv->CMCSDelete
09:53:15 1034770333mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a050000094b 0.2379.0 365 Q931 Trunk:1 CHAN=23: StateChange: END=B CMCSOffering->CMCSAccept
09:53:15 1034770333mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a0500000948 0.2378.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint f174ab64 TOTAL NOW=2 CALL_LIST=1
09:53:15 1034770335mS CMMap: PCG::MapBChan pcp[55]b1r0 cp_b f5336dc8 other_cp_b 0 type CGTypeSimple
09:53:15 1034770335mS CMMap: PCG::MapBChan pcp[121]b1r0 cp_b f52f2784 other_cp_b f5336dc8 type CGTypeSimple
09:53:15 1034770335mS CMMap: a=21.11 b=1.24 M12
09:53:15 1034770730mS ISDNL3Evt: v=1 stacknum=1 State, new=ReleaseReq, old=Proceeding id=2379
09:53:15 1034770791mS ISDNL3Evt: v=1 stacknum=1 State, new=NullState, old=ReleaseReq id=2379
09:53:15 1034770791mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a050000094b 0.2379.0 365 Q931 Trunk:1 CHAN=23: StateChange: END=B CMCSAccept->CMCSCompleted
09:53:15 1034770793mS CMExtnEvt: RAS: CALL LOST (CMCauseBusy)
09:53:15 1034770793mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 -1 RAS.0: StateChange: END=X CMCSDialled->CMCSCompleted
09:53:15 1034770794mS CMExtnEvt: v=1012 State, new=PortRecoverDelay old=Proceeding,0,0,RAS
09:53:15 1034770794mS CMMap: a=21.11 b=0.0 T0
09:53:15 1034770795mS CMExtnEvt: RAS: CMExtnHandler::SetCurrent( id: 2376->0 )
09:53:15 1034770796mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 -1 RAS.-1: StateChange: END=X CMCSCompleted->CMCSDelete
09:53:15 1034770796mS CMExtnEvt: v=1012 State, new=Idle old=PortRecoverDelay,0,0,RAS
09:53:15 1034770797mS CMTARGET: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 -1 BaseEP: ~CMTargetHandler f17ae5d4 ep f17a9fdc
09:53:15 1034770797mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a0500000948 0.2376.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint f17a9fdc TOTAL NOW=1 CALL_LIST=0
09:53:15 1034770797mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a050000094b 0.2379.0 -1 Q931 Trunk:1 CHAN=23: StateChange: END=X CMCSCompleted->CMCSDelete
09:53:15 1034770797mS CMCallEvt: END CALL:365 (f1798c64)
09:53:15 1034770798mS CMTARGET: ISDN BChannel 23: in-service check = 1
09:53:15 1034770798mS CMCallEvt: c0a82a050000094b 0.2379.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint f1753c30 TOTAL NOW=0 CALL_LIST=0
09:53:15 1034770800mS CMMap: PCG::UnmapBChan pcp[55]b1r0 cp_b f5336dc8 other_cp_b f52f2784
09:53:15 1034770800mS CMMap: a=1.24 b=21.11 M02
09:53:15 1034770800mS CMMap: PCG::UnmapBChan pcp[121]b1r0 cp_b f52f2784 other_cp_b 0
********** SysMonitor v11. build 3 [connected to (TSS IPO)] **********
09:53:19 1034774001mS PRN: Monitor Status IP 500 V2 build 3
09:53:19 1034774001mS PRN: LAW=U PRI=1, BRI=0, ALOG=4, VCOMP=42, MDM=0, WAN=0, MODU=0 LANM=0 CkSRC=1 VMAIL=1(VER=3 TYP=1) 1-X=0 CALLS=0(TOT=365)
09:53:19 1034774574mS RES: Tue 7/9/2021 09:53:19 FreeMem=55378732 Heap=54939700(3) Cache=439032 MemObjs=11508(Max 12536) CMMsg=8(9) ASN=0 Buff=5200 1363 1000 7404 5 Links=54038(54290) BTree=728(1289) CB=6063 MCT=0 CPU=08.92% CPUStats=07.22%/1/5/2438/1658
8/18081/00.03%/0/02.64% MCR=0
09:53:19 1034774575mS RES2: IP 500 V2 build 3 Tasks=61 RTEngine=0 CMRTEngine=0 ExRTEngine=0 Timer=14+71 Poll=0 Ready=0 CMReady=0 CMQueue=0 VPNNQueue=0 Monitor=1 SSA=1 TCP=30(TLS=10 OFF=0) TAPI=0 Partner=0 ASC=1 SYS=MNTD OPT=UMNT SDSPD=2034
09:53:19 1034774575mS RES4: XML MemObjs=8 PoolMem=4748404(2) FreeMem=4736284(0) HeapUsed=0
09:53:19 1034774575mS RES5: CLog MemObjs=272 FreePoolMem(Objs)=7168(128) TotalMem=22400 StringsTotalMem=103600