Hi All
VMpro 9.0.12 Linux
I have an issue were as I cant do a backup of the VMpro.
I open vmpro client, go to Administration-Preferences-General-Backup-restore.
Select Backup for immediate backup. select the tick boxes for voicemail,settings etc.
press ok.
I come out of this setting and go back in to see if its started ,nothing shows up.
usually I would see ABORT appearing when its running the backup.
after 10 minutes no backup appears in the Display where you would normally see the actual backup.
I used WinScp to look at the Immediate backup folder and there is nothing there.
Rebooted system. still no backup..
Tried to schedule a daily backup..and it doesnt work either .
Tried running Client as Administrator.
I also Manually put a backup into the folder using WinScp and tried Restore from the WEB Manager to see if it would see the backup..
It says no backup available.
and I am on line to the voicemail pro...
Any ideas as to what is causing this..
VMpro 9.0.12 Linux
I have an issue were as I cant do a backup of the VMpro.
I open vmpro client, go to Administration-Preferences-General-Backup-restore.
Select Backup for immediate backup. select the tick boxes for voicemail,settings etc.
press ok.
I come out of this setting and go back in to see if its started ,nothing shows up.
usually I would see ABORT appearing when its running the backup.
after 10 minutes no backup appears in the Display where you would normally see the actual backup.
I used WinScp to look at the Immediate backup folder and there is nothing there.
Rebooted system. still no backup..
Tried to schedule a daily backup..and it doesnt work either .
Tried running Client as Administrator.
I also Manually put a backup into the folder using WinScp and tried Restore from the WEB Manager to see if it would see the backup..
It says no backup available.
and I am on line to the voicemail pro...
Any ideas as to what is causing this..