Systems Engineer
Hi ...
I have IPO500v2, Updated to IPO Rls
I have the Application Server Installed On HyperV, try to Updated to IPO Rls
when Updating the Application Server either through the Transfer ISO or the Upgrade using the ISO image on Hyper-V, an Unknow error occurs, and does not work, then restart it's asking about restore points, there is a one from 18/1/2021 and it's back.
I have 2 Issues,
1. on the Application Server, I have a Backup from 10/4/2022, then trying to restore it, I don't find a restore point for that, the
backup was taken through BabyFTP
2. on IPO, on the security setting, I try to change the Voicemail Password and match it to VM Pro, but when typing any password and
use many complexes not accept it when re-entering it, the ok button is not active to accept the change.
I have IPO500v2, Updated to IPO Rls
I have the Application Server Installed On HyperV, try to Updated to IPO Rls
when Updating the Application Server either through the Transfer ISO or the Upgrade using the ISO image on Hyper-V, an Unknow error occurs, and does not work, then restart it's asking about restore points, there is a one from 18/1/2021 and it's back.
I have 2 Issues,
1. on the Application Server, I have a Backup from 10/4/2022, then trying to restore it, I don't find a restore point for that, the
backup was taken through BabyFTP
2. on IPO, on the security setting, I try to change the Voicemail Password and match it to VM Pro, but when typing any password and
use many complexes not accept it when re-entering it, the ok button is not active to accept the change.