Is there anyway we can find out what extension has been logging into their voicemail and when? And if there has been any changes to the system?
We have Audix and Merlin Legend (i think 7.0)
Yea we just changed the password, funny we never thought of it before.
Where can I find the system admin log? I inherited the system after having no experience with these systems in my life.. so I learn as I go along.
Thank you
Audix is a separate PC running the VMS. It should have a monitor and keyboard of its own. If you don't have a separate "box" you don't have Audix. If you hve Audix, login to the Audix menu, and enter the commands from the keyboard.
When you call the VMS, does it say welcome to Audix? If not, welcome to "what"?
OK then, well that makes sense. I was told we had Audix, but I never had to mess with it until now. After I checked some documentation I found out we have Merlin Messaging. I apologize for the confusion...
In THAT case, Sue, you're outta luck. The Messaging doesn't have the reporting features of an Audix. In any case, your best bet is to just change the password, and keep it secure.
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