We have a dedicated Windows embedded box used for all of our IPOffice 500 interactions. It also serves as a voicemail light server, and is our file server for the system.
I am in the process of creating a virtual machine to replace this system. I have two questions.
The first: Has anyone successfully used a microsoft virtual machine for voicemail light or as a file server. I would assume this wouldnt matter as long as its giving a static IP.
The second: I am having some issue finding the voicemail light installation. I download version 6, 5, and 4.2 but have not been able to locate the voicemail light installer in any of them. Is this a standalone application? I thought when we originally installed it, it was bundled with 4.2.
Thanks in advance for your help!
I am in the process of creating a virtual machine to replace this system. I have two questions.
The first: Has anyone successfully used a microsoft virtual machine for voicemail light or as a file server. I would assume this wouldnt matter as long as its giving a static IP.
The second: I am having some issue finding the voicemail light installation. I download version 6, 5, and 4.2 but have not been able to locate the voicemail light installer in any of them. Is this a standalone application? I thought when we originally installed it, it was bundled with 4.2.
Thanks in advance for your help!