We had a meridian mail rel. box go down because of a hard drive problem. I used the linux/gnu dd cloning method to clone the meridian HD to another HD of the same seagate model HD, identical hardware. The clone finished successfully and the unit was placed back into the voice mail module and reseated into the PBX.
While the voicemail box was down, we issued a change in the ACD on LD 23, NCFW prompt to forward all numbers dailed on the ACD 7000 number (which is the voicemail call queue) to dial back to the main console.
When the meridian mail module was placed online, the ACD prompt NCFW was cleared using the "x" response, and no other changes where made to the ACD 7000.
Now when you access your voicemail or enter a voice menu/prompt by dialing its ACD, you can dial the prompts OH K with no problem. However, if dial the main voice prompt on a busy attendant console, or try to access a voicemail prompt by dialing your direct external DID during the mailbox announcement, you can't dial any of the prompts. It is like the touch tones are not being recognized by the prompt, or maybe something was changed that was not intended in the ACD when the NCFW prompt was changed.
Thanks for your help in advance.
Richard C. Pangburn, Jr.
IT Administrator
Boland-Maloney Enterprises, Inc.
While the voicemail box was down, we issued a change in the ACD on LD 23, NCFW prompt to forward all numbers dailed on the ACD 7000 number (which is the voicemail call queue) to dial back to the main console.
When the meridian mail module was placed online, the ACD prompt NCFW was cleared using the "x" response, and no other changes where made to the ACD 7000.
Now when you access your voicemail or enter a voice menu/prompt by dialing its ACD, you can dial the prompts OH K with no problem. However, if dial the main voice prompt on a busy attendant console, or try to access a voicemail prompt by dialing your direct external DID during the mailbox announcement, you can't dial any of the prompts. It is like the touch tones are not being recognized by the prompt, or maybe something was changed that was not intended in the ACD when the NCFW prompt was changed.
Thanks for your help in advance.
Richard C. Pangburn, Jr.
IT Administrator
Boland-Maloney Enterprises, Inc.