I have the R3.0.3 and I can't seem to be able to change the greeting on it. I just started here a year ago and I can not get the previous employees message off the phone and put my own. Anyone have any ideas? I have been looking everywhere.
When I push 777 it says to put in ext # then password then press 2 for messages 3 to change your personal greeting. I have tried to press 3 but then when I put in my personal greeting and try and call to make sure it took effect..it doesn't show up at all, all we can hear is the previous person's message.
With Avaya voicemails, changes will not take effect until you get a confirmation message that changes have been saved. Are you hearing that message before you exit out?
It says welcome to partner voice messaging. We don't have an option for other mailboxes just for our one. So I am trying to change the personal greeting. That's what everyone hears I think.
There is also an Auto Attendant, which could answer first, offer the caller the option of dialing an extension number, and then transferring to that extension. If the extension is not answered, the extension's personal mailbox answers instead.
Or, lines could be answered directly by a mailbox, like a elaborate answering machine.
When you call into your office, not when you press Intercom 777 to check messages, what do you hear and what are your options.
If it is an auto attendant, then you need to log into mailbox 0, the system administrator, and follow the prompts to change the Auto Attendant prompt.
The password for the system administrator's mailbox will be found in the manual that came with the voice mail system (not the red fold-out user's guide)
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