I'm having a problem with VNC downloaded from the Linux toolkit site. I've had the software up and running on multple lpars running between 5200-03 to 5300-04. All were fine upto about a week ago. Now, when I go through the web front end I get the traditional Xsession display not the CDE which I'm expecting. This is causing us issues as the native Xsession doesn't let us have mutliple active windows.
No configuration has changed on the Unix machines. The only machine I have that still works as expected is a machine with an internal graphics card. All the other machines are LPARs.
Any help would be appriciated.
I'm having a problem with VNC downloaded from the Linux toolkit site. I've had the software up and running on multple lpars running between 5200-03 to 5300-04. All were fine upto about a week ago. Now, when I go through the web front end I get the traditional Xsession display not the CDE which I'm expecting. This is causing us issues as the native Xsession doesn't let us have mutliple active windows.
No configuration has changed on the Unix machines. The only machine I have that still works as expected is a machine with an internal graphics card. All the other machines are LPARs.
Any help would be appriciated.