The company I work for hasn't virtualized any servers yet, but the need is definitely here for us and I'm in the of determining what's best.
So, I've tested VMware and Microsoft Virtual Server 2005. Besides all the details, if I had to choose now, it'd be for the Microsoft product.
However, with as much talk is there is for VMWare, I think I might be missing something possibly.
Anyone here have experience with either? What's your opinions? Anyone using virtual terminal servers/Citrix machines? What about domain controllers?
Thanks for any opinions and/or advice!
So, I've tested VMware and Microsoft Virtual Server 2005. Besides all the details, if I had to choose now, it'd be for the Microsoft product.
However, with as much talk is there is for VMWare, I think I might be missing something possibly.
Anyone here have experience with either? What's your opinions? Anyone using virtual terminal servers/Citrix machines? What about domain controllers?
Thanks for any opinions and/or advice!