sorry to be a pain, im still learning, what is vms, openvms, is it better than unix?
another question, is opensoource less secure? a hacker can look for exploits that someone else may miss, but closed source only the internall coders no it. at first.
vms is an operating system owned (I think) by DEC and specific only to their own hardware as opposed to unix which is theoretically an open system not tied to any specific hardware vendor - although of course there are many unix variants. - Dont know about openvms
vms and openvms are now owned by Compaq (which bought digital) and they run on vax and alpha systems. some of the original clustering technologies were developed for this OS along with other multiuser goodies.
as for vms vs unix....they do things differently, so it would all depend on the application that you need it for.
Open vs Proprietary....(see MS vs Linux)
Both suffer from exploits...opensource tends to get looked at closer during betas (more eyes) but there still can be problems. The only truly safe piece of software is one that doesn't do anything.
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