Hi All,
I have a DEC Alpha 1000A running OpenVMS 7.3 with disk shadowing of the sytem disk. The system disk is DSA0: with the following members $1$dkb0: and $1$dkb100: (all on the same controller). Both disks are DEC RZ1BB-CS. I started getting errors on $1$dkb100: the other day and thought I should replace the disk with another RZ1BB-CS disk. So, I did the following:
1.) Dismount $1$dkb100:
2.) Replaced $1$dkb100: with spare RZ1BB-CS drive
3.) issued mount/system/confirm dsa0:/shadow=($1$dkb0:, $1$dkb100
I get the following error:
-SYSTEM-F-INCSHAMEM, incompatiable shadow set member.
I then initialized the new RZ1BB-CS disk. mounted it and copied files to it just to make sure it was operational. It was. I then dismounted and removed that disk.
I then placed the old disk back in and issued the above commands and all went ok. But I am stuck with the drive that was throwing errors. I then tried to replace $1$dkb0: after the orignal shadow set completed its merge. I get the same error.
The only difference that I see is in during the mounting phase where shadowing tells you that it is bringing in a new member I see a difference in the Owner UIC. For example:
The orginal disk when placed into the shadow set says its owner is [1,1]. The new disk says its owner is COMVAX. COMVAX UIC is [1,5]. The previous administrator of this system was let go and the Account name he gave me has full priviledges and is the UIC of [1,5].
I have changed out shadow set members on other systems with now problem like this. I not sure what else to check. Can RZ1BB-CS drives have different gemotries?
Can anyone help.
I have a DEC Alpha 1000A running OpenVMS 7.3 with disk shadowing of the sytem disk. The system disk is DSA0: with the following members $1$dkb0: and $1$dkb100: (all on the same controller). Both disks are DEC RZ1BB-CS. I started getting errors on $1$dkb100: the other day and thought I should replace the disk with another RZ1BB-CS disk. So, I did the following:
1.) Dismount $1$dkb100:
2.) Replaced $1$dkb100: with spare RZ1BB-CS drive
3.) issued mount/system/confirm dsa0:/shadow=($1$dkb0:, $1$dkb100
I get the following error:
-SYSTEM-F-INCSHAMEM, incompatiable shadow set member.
I then initialized the new RZ1BB-CS disk. mounted it and copied files to it just to make sure it was operational. It was. I then dismounted and removed that disk.
I then placed the old disk back in and issued the above commands and all went ok. But I am stuck with the drive that was throwing errors. I then tried to replace $1$dkb0: after the orignal shadow set completed its merge. I get the same error.
The only difference that I see is in during the mounting phase where shadowing tells you that it is bringing in a new member I see a difference in the Owner UIC. For example:
The orginal disk when placed into the shadow set says its owner is [1,1]. The new disk says its owner is COMVAX. COMVAX UIC is [1,5]. The previous administrator of this system was let go and the Account name he gave me has full priviledges and is the UIC of [1,5].
I have changed out shadow set members on other systems with now problem like this. I not sure what else to check. Can RZ1BB-CS drives have different gemotries?
Can anyone help.