I'm new to this community, but I was wondering if someone could shed some light on a problem I'm having.
when I use the vmrun.exe to programatically copy over a batch file and then run it. It executes, but does not behave the same way as if I launched it manually.
The command in my batch file is:
net use n: \\daqserver\MI /USER:<Confidential> <Condidential>
I used the pause to verify that it was not erroring out or anything.
Basically. The batch file should be able to add a new n: drive to my computer that is mapped to the network. But when launched programmatically. It says "Disconnected Network Drive"
At first. I thought it was a race error. Where maybe the programmatic version was going faster than I could manually. But it turns out... The programmatic way waits till the OS is 100% installed before launching the batch file.... while I can normally manually launched the batch file at 50% if I have to.
Any insight would be appreciated.
(I'm using VMWare Workstation 6.0.0 build-45731)
Here's the 2 vmrun commands:
C:\Documents and Settings\<Confidential>\Desktop>"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Workst
ation\vmrun.exe" -gu <Confidential> -gp <Confidential> copyFileFromHostToGuest "E:\VMware Im
ages\Copy (3) of ZZZZZZZZDO NOT COPY OVER WINXP SP2\English WinXP Pro SP2\Window
s XP Professional.vmx" "C:\Documents and Settings\<Confidential>\Local Settings\Temp\MI
Test.bat" "C:\Documents and Settings\<Confidential>\Desktop\MITest.bat"
C:\Documents and Settings\<Confidential>\Desktop>"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Workst
ation\vmrun.exe" -gu <Confidential> -gp <Confidential> runProgramInGuest "E:\VMware Images\C
opy (3) of ZZZZZZZZDO NOT COPY OVER WINXP SP2\English WinXP Pro SP2\Windows XP P
rofessional.vmx" "C:\Documents and Settings\<Confidential>\Desktop\MITest.bat"
When Batch File Programattically Run:
When Batch File Manually Run:
when I use the vmrun.exe to programatically copy over a batch file and then run it. It executes, but does not behave the same way as if I launched it manually.
The command in my batch file is:
net use n: \\daqserver\MI /USER:<Confidential> <Condidential>
I used the pause to verify that it was not erroring out or anything.
Basically. The batch file should be able to add a new n: drive to my computer that is mapped to the network. But when launched programmatically. It says "Disconnected Network Drive"
At first. I thought it was a race error. Where maybe the programmatic version was going faster than I could manually. But it turns out... The programmatic way waits till the OS is 100% installed before launching the batch file.... while I can normally manually launched the batch file at 50% if I have to.
Any insight would be appreciated.
(I'm using VMWare Workstation 6.0.0 build-45731)
Here's the 2 vmrun commands:
C:\Documents and Settings\<Confidential>\Desktop>"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Workst
ation\vmrun.exe" -gu <Confidential> -gp <Confidential> copyFileFromHostToGuest "E:\VMware Im
ages\Copy (3) of ZZZZZZZZDO NOT COPY OVER WINXP SP2\English WinXP Pro SP2\Window
s XP Professional.vmx" "C:\Documents and Settings\<Confidential>\Local Settings\Temp\MI
Test.bat" "C:\Documents and Settings\<Confidential>\Desktop\MITest.bat"
C:\Documents and Settings\<Confidential>\Desktop>"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Workst
ation\vmrun.exe" -gu <Confidential> -gp <Confidential> runProgramInGuest "E:\VMware Images\C
opy (3) of ZZZZZZZZDO NOT COPY OVER WINXP SP2\English WinXP Pro SP2\Windows XP P
rofessional.vmx" "C:\Documents and Settings\<Confidential>\Desktop\MITest.bat"
When Batch File Programattically Run:
When Batch File Manually Run: