Hi all! Voicemail for one of my sites is not picking up after the 4th ring, you just get busy tone. This is an Opt 11. I've dialed into the PBX, but am unable to switch over to the Meridian Mail side after typing 'AX'. I've statused the ports that the MMail is on, and they show idle. I've tried disabling/enabling card, still idle, and vm still does not pick up. The error that keeps coming up is 4278 0 0 3299. I understand ERR 4278 is a vm error, but what do the rest of the numbers mean? Is there any more troubleshooting I can do from my end? As a weird sidenote, the receptionist said that all the phones ring at an extremely loud volume now, and they started doing this the same time the vm went down. She's tried readjusting the volume on the sets, to no avail.
Thanks for any help!
Thanks for any help!