I had a BPS2K five unit stack have the static VLAN just disappear. Well, being that the config was not backed up, yeah, I had to locate all the devices with static assignments and match their MAC with the switch forwarding table to get the port number. I had 25 devices to add to the new static VLAN. The stack's original config had three VLANS 110 DHCP, 120 STATIC, and 130 Management. VLAN tagging is only now being used in my environment; this stack was the first. So, I'm just now getting some good exposure to VLAN tagging, aside from my Nortel cert class. The question I have is about what the "default" VLAN should be for the single port. The guys that setup this stack set up some of the individual ports to be members of the 110 and 120 VLANS with the default VLAN being 120. To me, if you have only DHCP users, you choose 110 only with the default VLAN being the same 110. For static, you go with 120. Now the final question. The uplink port for the stack to the cloud has all three VLANS assigned to it with a PVID set the 130 VLAN and to tag all. Any ideas why they chose the 130 PVID. The guys no longer work for my organization; so, I can't ask them. Any comments on how this should be setup or otherwise are appreciated. TIA