Can the DHCP server setup my 46xx phone to VLAN 302 or do I have to set it at the phone when they come up, or can the tftp server do that?
I am trying to enter only the ext and password.
TFTP is only for software upgrade and for setting default webpage etc., You can set the IP,Gateway , TFTP address, Server Address ,VLAN ID once and it will remain in the memory. User only need to enter extension and password.
You can set these parameters through DHCP also which would enable easy relocation to another sub network.
so they'll boot up in the default vlan, then on your default vlan dhcp scope you'll define the vlan.. they'll set that parameter, then reboot themselves into the proper vlan.. you need to duplicate teh settings of the default vlan with the voice vlan you're assigning.
make sure trunking/auxiliary vlan's are turned on the switchports..
on your dhcp scope, assuming you have everything else setup, you can just do "L2QVLAN=302"
with the later releases of firmware, you don't need to turn on L2Q because they do it "auto" now..
The TFTP server is not just for software upgrades. You can put settings into the '46xxsettings.txt' file. I have successfully placed the following in mine:
With these setting, I have made sure that any phone will have the IR port turned off and set both physical Ethernet ports to 100Mbs FDX.
This can help keep your DHCP scope a little cleaner.
Also, for the TFTPSRVR= setting in you DHCP scope, I have found that you can list multiple TFTP servers, separated by a comma, for backup. If one server becomes too congested or becomes unavailable, phones will hit the second box, after a short timeout.
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