Tech Gurus:
The Company I work for has an annoying little problem. We create Access DB's in Access 2000 and then store them in Visual Sourcesafe. If a developer builds one of these DBs in Access XP by mistake and has the Access XP file format set to 2002 mode, AccessXP will automatically upgrade the format of the objects that are check out by the developer. When the DB is checked back in, some objects are in Access 2002 format and some objects are in Access 2000 format. We have though about setting all the copies of Access XP to 2000 format, which would fix this problem. But, we would have a similar problem when building Access XP DB form Sourcesafe. There objects would be down graded to Access 2000 format and again we would have a motley mix of formats on objects. Is there a way to warn a developer that they are about to build a Access 2000 DB in Access XP? Or, is there a way to prevent Sourcesafe DBs from being built in the wrong version of Access?
The Company I work for has an annoying little problem. We create Access DB's in Access 2000 and then store them in Visual Sourcesafe. If a developer builds one of these DBs in Access XP by mistake and has the Access XP file format set to 2002 mode, AccessXP will automatically upgrade the format of the objects that are check out by the developer. When the DB is checked back in, some objects are in Access 2002 format and some objects are in Access 2000 format. We have though about setting all the copies of Access XP to 2000 format, which would fix this problem. But, we would have a similar problem when building Access XP DB form Sourcesafe. There objects would be down graded to Access 2000 format and again we would have a motley mix of formats on objects. Is there a way to warn a developer that they are about to build a Access 2000 DB in Access XP? Or, is there a way to prevent Sourcesafe DBs from being built in the wrong version of Access?