Hi. Currently I have a Visual C+ program that communicates with a GPS device through a serial-to-USB interface. Analysis of the GPS information leads to a set of control signals being sent to a Motorola HC12 Microcontroller. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how this process could take place. Basically the micro controls acceleration and steering for an autonomous vehicle I am working on. From the micro, 5 volts control an analog switch varying +/- 12 volts to a steering motor and alos from the micro a bit signal that sets the correct wiper setting in the digital potentiometer. I need a way to send a signal from the Windows XP laptop I am using to the microcontroller through a serial port. I am using the MarshallSoft GPS DLL to manipulate the USB port that the GPS information comes into. Since I have a serial-to-usb conversion acting on COM4, how do I take control of Com1 lets say and send a particular bit pattern to the micro?????Any help would greatly be appreciated.