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Vista and ME, 98, XP on System Commander 8 problems... More options?

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Oct 12, 2006
We have one harddrive split into 3 drive letters.. C, D, E on a test system, where we test out hardware and software on various OS at the same time.

C is the "dirty" os, where we can copy the contents of say E:\win98 onto D:\ (root), thus making D a virgin copy of any OS at any time.

In the boot menu for system commander we have all options listed.. ie: WinXP (dirty) -ie: c drive.. WinXP Virgin -ie: d , same thing for win98 etc.

The issue is that win98 has to have fat32 on the C, D.. E is not so bad, as this just stores the good images.

Now enter a new issue.. Vista.. I've added a 200gb harddrive for installing vista and using NTFS.. call these drive letters G, H under Win98 or XP..

So I installed Vista to the first partition of drive G (the 200gb harddrive)..

Vista then takes over the MBR and loads (c drive is the sys drive, really wanted this to be "d" though)..

I then reinstalled Sys Commander, got my menu back, added the Vista entries (which do work fine btw)... Now the other entries for 98, XP, XP dirty etc do not work.

I cant seem to figure out how to do this with Vista and a second harddrive involved...

Anyone dealt with this as of yet?

Any better alternatives to Sys Commander.. here the idea is that we can boot to the dirty C, restore any OS to that virgin D drive from the storage on E, in minutes.. VS say using Acronis which may take longer to restore these images.

Have a look at this Boot Manager specially written for Multi-booting various operating systems with Vista.


I am happy to recommend it and have been using it for sometime in dual booting machines.

I am not familiar with "Sys Commander", and not absolutely sure of your exact problem that you are describing, but if it is a booting problem then the above program may help.
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