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Visio 2002 keeps crashing my system

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Jan 11, 2002
I have just installed Visio 2002 SR1 on my system, running Win 98SE.
Major problem 1: Many of the modules crash my system - no error message, just everything (including mouse) refuses to work. This happens 1) when double clicking an item to edit it's text and 2) when dragging certain graphics onto a drawing, eg a Milestone onto a timeline. The only solution is to switch off and on again - aaargh!

Less major problem 2: All template previews on the Choose Drawing Type screen are garbled, simply jagged coloured lines. If you browse up and down the list a few times the proper pictures will appear in due course.

Everything else in Office XP (SR1 & 2) and Access 2002 works fine. The installation of Visio was a clean install. I have done a verify and repair, used System File Checker to make sure nothing strange in my system, uninstalled and reinstalled all without success. Has anyone else had this problem - or more importantly solved it?
I'm running Visio 2000 Pro on W2K w/ a Dell 8200. I also having trouble with Visio 2000 crashing. Not crashing my system, just crashing Visio. The problem is that it corrupts the file(s) that are open. As you can image, this is quite painful. The trouble usually seems to happen when I am printing, but not always.

Any ideas? I have requested a SR1 CD from MS, but from what I've seen posted on a few other threads, I'm wondering if I should even install it.

I had the same problem which has been resolved by installing XP sorry I can not offer any other advice
Try creating a command file to start Visio, I've created:-

@Echo Off
Del "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Visio\Visio 2000\Visio.Bin"
CD /D "C:\Program Files\Visio\"
Start /b Visio32.exe

Place everything within the "=" in a .cmd file and try that, does it stop it from crashing?

I had this problem also.

I had visio on win2k (celeron 2.2mhz) on a PC Chips mother board.

I installed Visio 2002 and the service packs (now up to service pack 2) and it locked up every few minutes.

I have a new gateway machine and its running SMOOTH with no service packs on - I will now download service pack 2 and see how it flies...
I had the above problem mentioned and what I found out was that there is a conflict between Frontpage and visio, it doesn't matter what versions.

This may help

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