Mar 14, 2001 #1 Arowana Programmer Feb 22, 2001 19 PT I know that it´s a simple question but i am new at that and there is no way to find a member function of a class that can handle it. How can i put a edit box control (any kind of control) invisible or visible?? Thank you
I know that it´s a simple question but i am new at that and there is no way to find a member function of a class that can handle it. How can i put a edit box control (any kind of control) invisible or visible?? Thank you
Mar 14, 2001 #2 TGM IS-IT--Management Mar 14, 2001 141 BE CEdit* pEdit = ( CEdit*) GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT); pEdit->ShowWindow( SW_HIDE); Thierry Upvote 0 Downvote