I am using scan32 to check/clean viruses but each time it finds a virus in the log I get the following message. Is this normal is it cleaning the virus, if not what needs to be done to ensure it cleans ok?
10/30/02 10:01 AM Infected e:\tfs47\viruscan\friendsworld.scr W32/Yaha.g@MM (Removable)
10/30/02 10:01 AM Clean Error e:\tfs47\viruscan\friendsworld.scr W32/Yaha.g@MM
10/30/02 10:01 AM Infected e:\tfs47\viruscan\friendsworld.scr W32/Yaha.g@MM (Removable)
10/30/02 10:01 AM Clean Error e:\tfs47\viruscan\friendsworld.scr W32/Yaha.g@MM