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New member
Jan 1, 1970
I want to know what type of graphix to use to make a fake virus. You know, I need an Idea of what people expect viruses to look like
Virii don't look like anything. They would be a little hard to depict.

Try a blue screen with a text message in the center:

Please insert volume serial number 2F77:A15E in drive C:


"The bottom line is that almost all software ships with significant bugs and performance limitations."
Michael Spertus in Software Development Times

Alt255 is right. Viruses don't usually display a message that they're doing some nasty stuff to your system...that kind of defeats the purpose.

TO ALT255:

That's a good one!

Suggestion: Since you're in QB...write a program that displays warning messages like:

"UNKNOWN PROGRAM is bypassing CMOS Virus Protection..."
"attempting to detect memory address of UNKNOWN PROGRAM."
SLEEP 5 'This will give them a little scare.

"UNKNO PROGGRAM memmmori abdress NoT returndd."
'says: UNKNOWN PROGRAM memory address not returned
"T9rail ctArted:+"
'says: Trail Started:"
"Videeo uffer unnstabl/corruptd'd"
'says: Video Buffer unstable/corrupted
SLEEP 1 'Acts as though the computer is doing something

"ard DRiv Ruut being r-ritten"
'says: Hard drive root being re-written

"WInndoows SyStm ffiiles chkechsuuums aDOo NOTll m@chh"
'says: Windows System Files Checksums do not match'

"VIirRus Foud in SyysCtem!!
'says: virus found in system
&quot;systtem curruptd:...lostlostl.>\..>.<.r-re-innstal OS &hG789 !! SOS !!&quot;
'says: system currupted...lost...re-install SO! Sos!
do while ucase$(inkey$)<>&quot;T&quot;:loop

Actually, just reading this is somewhat funny. Mind you, after you tell them it was a FAKE, they may not let you anywhere near! their computer(s) again.

Well, it depends on the person.
People who knows nothing of programming and computers, will get more scared of graphical drawings, like a worm, and a message: &quot;You have a virus!&quot;
People who knows normal, will not fall for the first, but might believe some normal text.
Maybe a message: &quot;Formatting drive C: ...&quot; with a fake percent measure and a fake hard-disk operation (just modify the same file all over again).
People who know computers, will never fall for something that silly and unrealistic...
Though I have a friend that fell for something similar... :) Cheers
Erez Sh.
Dudes thanks for the input I know what you mean and I should have asked what type of graphics to use for people who believe that a virus should have graphics. Sorry! but thanks for all the coll help I really appreciate it and I hope to see ya later
John 3:16, and remember God isn't going
to kill you for reading fantasy novels.
I saw an interesting billboard for McAfee Antivirus by Network Associates on the 101 Freeway between Palo Alto and San Francisco.
It was a supposed virus screen, which showed a message similar to
You have been
inf cted [sic] with
a virus
with each word written backwards, and upside down.
hehe, that's funny Toshi.
--MiggyD &quot;The world shrinks more and more with every new user online.&quot;
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